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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

GemX - missing in action

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That flea market is something - isn't it?!

The russian developer isn't too strong with the english language but makes good efforts. (simple and to the point) I guess maybe, dialog is a little bit difficult - but in all, it's OK. Support has been constant (not outstanding) - but I have no complaints. I'm happy with the support there so far.

Ah, Victoria... I live in Courtenay, about 2.5 hours north of there (but was born in the Royal Jubliee and wound up back in Victoria for university)... Anyway, you all may be interested in this notetaking overview by superboyac. It's a synthesis of a thread he started a while back that has the distinction of being the longest thread on these boards. Anyway, and finally, there is a separate discussion of his overview here. Treedbnotes pro gets a mention or two in the original (long) thread. Worth a look over anyway.

PS One of the cool things about DC in general and the Notetaking thread in particular is that we often get developers dropping by to discuss their applications. Nevf in the notetaking thread is the author of Surfulater, DonL posts frequently about XYPlorer in other threads, likewise aignes is the author of WebsiteWatcher, nagar writes DirectAccess, Dennis Nazarenko
Tidy Start Menu and Vista Start Menu, and there are lots of others.

Hi sigh and beldeamon...

Welcome to the thread for 'lost and confused' Gemx refugees! Ok, well maybe that's a bit premature but there seems to be a single train of thought along the ideas of everyone not knowing what's going on.

-Beth UK (September 10, 2007, 10:45 AM)
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Just out of curiosity, i was wondering how often (if ever) any of you go to the gemx forum site to see if anything has "changed" and if so, about how often.

I am now down to checking about once a week (and not consistently) and have been actively searching (again) for an effective and consistently working PIM.  i mostly need a calendar scheduler (and it MUST have the capabilities to schedule multiple calendars (so far no luck with that), and a task scheduler - and overall view of my "day" would be great too - i also need to be able to create fields (or categories).

so, if anyone has any they are using or trying out - let me know.  finding a multi-calendar PIM is proving to be very difficult.......


from ido2!!! to idon'tanymore!!!  (lol)

i mostly need a calendar scheduler (and it MUST have the capabilities to schedule multiple calendars (so far no luck with that), and a task scheduler - and overall view of my "day" would be great too - i also need to be able to create fields (or categories).

so, if anyone has any they are using or trying out - let me know.  finding a multi-calendar PIM is proving to be very difficult.......
-sigh... (September 15, 2007, 08:05 PM)
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Do you need to sync with a Palm or a Pocket PC?
Have you decided to rule out Outlook?

PS : BTW : to all canadians here : I'm from Montreal. So yes, as Darwin said : "we're getting a healthy number of Canadians in this thread"  ;D


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