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File Managers! Windows Explorer replacement! Come one, come all...

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can anyone recommend a file manager that will do a simple byte comparison of two files ?

DOpus 8 will do it under synchronise but they pretty much have to be in different folders, also they have find duplicates, but again it's not really geared to simple comparison

Maybe I'm looking for too much (from file manager) & should look at dedicated software
As i say, just looking for a simply quick means to compare files, not fussy how!

Altap Salamander has a free plug-in (loaded by default, I believe - it's been a while since I installed it) that does file comparisons. I have a "vanilla" installation of Total Commander as well, but am pretty confident that you'll find that there is a plug-in to handle file comparisons for it as well... Finally, Frigate 3.35 features a Compare Files tool, too. That's all I came up with after a cursory look at what I've got! The two that I have access too - Altap Salamander and Frigate work well.

Couldn't wait for your answer so I bought it anyway.

... I keep spending my money on software that I don't really use enough to justify the expense. FileBoss is a case in point - -Darwin (May 17, 2008, 01:32 PM)
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- I know what you mean. Why would I even want yet another file manager? I love my (amplified) Explorer!
-Curt (May 17, 2008, 02:01 PM)
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I was puzzled when I re-read this post just now: What did I purchase? Oh, FileBoss!! I am embarrassed to admit that I haven't used it since the purchase, not even once!   :-[
I guess my final comment in the quote is adequate: I love my (amplified) Explorer!  :-*

can anyone recommend a file manager that will do a simple byte comparison of two files ?
-tomos (June 05, 2008, 09:02 AM)
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Do you mean, a built-in "diff" tool?  If you do, Total Commander has it.  You can compare as binary, or not (i.e. as text).

Heh, heh, busted! Thanks rjbull for pointing out that TotalCommander DOES do this right out of the box... I just haven't used the application enough to have known where to look for it  :-[

Tom, another one you might look at is SpeedCommander. I loved it when I trialed it but forced myself to uninstall it and move on. Don't recall off-hand if it does do file comparisons or not, but I would be surprised if it did not. At 38 euros to buy in, with 19 euro upgrades it's very pricey. Of course, this coming from a DOpus user  :o


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