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File Managers! Windows Explorer replacement! Come one, come all...

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You and I are in the same boat, it seems, WRT DOpus  ;D I also have a licence for the portable version and basically can't get past it anymore, despite the licences I own for its competitors. A testament to how good it is or a testament to me being set in my ways? In either case, the money I've lashed out for the other file managers is a testament to my being in the grip of a powerful addiction  :P

Before my defection to the Directory Opus camp...I always used Magellan Explorer Bought version 2 of that one at the time for 20 USD (upgrade from the freeware/adware version).

Used it exclusivly for two years and then I learned that my favorite filemanager from the Commodore Amiga was available for PC as well....and never looked back since ;)

can anyone recommend a file manager that will do a simple byte comparison of two files ?
-tomos (June 05, 2008, 09:02 AM)
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Do you mean, a built-in "diff" tool?  If you do, Total Commander has it.  You can compare as binary, or not (i.e. as text).
-rjbull (June 05, 2008, 11:03 AM)
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well, in DOpus you can synch folder contents by doing a "byte comparision"
I actually dont want to have to look at text & compare it (or even know where the differences are) - I just want to know if they're the same or not :)
-tomos (June 05, 2008, 12:45 PM)
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If the two files are identical, you don't have to look at the text.  Total Commander just pops up a little box that says "Compare - The two files are identical!  [OK]"

You can make it do CRC/md5 checks as well, but you'd have to examine the results.

Maybe I should just ask DonL seeing as I have XYPlorer liscence...

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Please do.  I have a license too, and would like to know if that sort of feature is available or planned.

Would you find a duplicate finder helpful?  If you don't already have a favourite, try the excellent Double Killer by Jan Schlüter, who posts here on DC sometimes.

Maybe I should just ask DonL seeing as I have XYPlorer liscence...

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Please do.  I have a license too, and would like to know if that sort of feature is available or planned.
-rjbull (June 06, 2008, 03:52 AM)
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done, will let you know if any news

Would you find a duplicate finder helpful?  If you don't already have a favourite, try the excellent Double Killer by Jan Schlüter, who posts here on DC sometimes.
-rjbull (June 06, 2008, 03:52 AM)
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+1 for this suggestion. I should have mentioned it earlier. This is an application that I own a licence for and actually use often  :-[ I works very quickly and REALLY well and is set up in such a way that you can remove duplicate files safely.


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