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download all updates for XP in one go?

<< < (7/10) > >>

No, you don't need any other programs to install the updates. It simply downloads the hotfixes directly from Microsoft so as soon as you have it you just double-click the file(s).

As for the update lists, you can find them all on this page :)

Hm, appearantly RyanVM updatepack and wud are still up... how come those haven't been shut down if Microsoft are so triggerhappy? :s

-Carol Haynes (August 31, 2007, 08:10 AM)
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Carol Haynes:
Comment on your comment before mine - no such folders exist on my system.

C:\WINDOWS\$hf mig$ - aren't these your updates? (allow show hidden files and folders)
-CleverCat (August 31, 2007, 06:22 AM)
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CleverCat - I don't have this folder either, but it *looks* like it has something to do with migrating from one "thing" to another. Did you move from an older system to a new one, or upgrade from ME to XP, or something like that? Just a thought...


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