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download all updates for XP in one go?

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Lashiec, I have Core2duo & I get the impression at neowin thast they're fussy about what gets included so reckon I'll chance it

anyways, nlite running now as I write :up:
-tomos (August 22, 2007, 10:56 AM)
--- End quote ---
unfortunately first nlite iso didnt boot - missing some unidentified kernel file...
I had included the XUD updates (post #2)
dont know if that was the problem or nlite itself
will try it again with just the SP2 pack & xp

EDIT: I had used the beta of nlite, maybe that was it...

How about this shavlik technologies business?

I have 'updated' my clean XP install after the mouse drivers went wrong. Now, it is suppossedly installing updates... only that it isn't.
The windows update is borked. Again. I have spent over a week trying to get this comptuter into shape.

I hate how M$ is making me waste time like noone's business.

Is Shavlik recommended? Anyone using it?

What can I do if the updates don't get installed (with a legit dell XP CD!)...

I used Shavlik for about six months back when they were offering a one year licence for free (so, about a year ago). It did the job - I ran my system without using Windows Update at all during that time, but I found the way it presented the info resulting from a scan confusing (could me me, though). Once you learn how to navigate its interface, it's OK. It uninstalled without much drama, so I think your best bet is to try the demo, if they're still offering one.

how about that WindizUpdate firefox plugin/update?

havent used it myself but it featured in a thread here lately without any negativity :)

While all those update packs are great (I've used them myself), I actually prefer a small utility called "Windows Updates Downloader". It'll download all the hotfixes directly from Microsoft (thus ensuring that they're safe and not tampered with), and it let's you pick just the ones you want. He even have update lists for Vista now :)


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