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Does my future pc suck ?

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Actually, I would stay with the first one. SLI is only a extra feature that pretty much every motherboard these days bring along, and it also adds some extra features in the mix that you could actually find useful (passive chipset cooling, e-SATA ports...). With that processor it's better to use something at a good level, than that other option. It's only a few bucks more.

About SLI : well, hum, i didn't even know what it was before you told me about it :) My choice of components is based on what i've read on multiple websites. Soooo yeah, maybe i don't need a SLI motherboard. Which one then ? What about this one ? Seems to be the same as my original choice without the SLI feature. What do you think ? If you think it's not a good choice, can you please suggest something else ? (considering that price is REALLY important).
-ak_ (August 21, 2007, 11:50 AM)
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Actually no, that motherboard is not what I meant.  The companion non-SLI motherboard is this.  Also, for $10US cheaper, there is this alternative.  What you loose in the cheaper one is a slightly less capable north bridge (don't know what that means without more research though), 2 SATA connectors, a serial connector (not essential any more), and a few other odds and ends.  The cheaper one has a few more features that make up for the difference though, so it really depends on what your needs are.  Both save you $30-40US off the original board you told us about and both have comparable, though not exact, specs.

Re monitor:
I was asking in a german "flatscreen" forum (PRADA)
-tomos (August 21, 2007, 11:57 AM)
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PRAD ProAdviser is an excellent resource - Reviews, Comparisons, Advise...
-PhilB66 (August 21, 2007, 12:06 PM)
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hah, didnt know they had an english version
obviously translated from german -
the marks they give are
Very good, good, and "Satisfying" :)
of course meant to be satisfactory = soso really..

Carol Haynes:
I'd go with the best motherboard you can afford - SLI is just one feature of the board you first listed. You don't have to use the SLI feature but I can guarantee that the rest of the board is more than the earlier non-SLI versions.

For only slightly more money you could pick up 2 nVidia SLI 7600 256Mb cards. That is just one example - if you aren't in to gaming then a pair of 7300 SLI cards would be cheaper than the ATI card you specified. You then have two graphics cards which can share the load or run two monitors if you want to splash out on a second monitor in the future.

Just an asside: If you'd like to go linux in a while probably nvidia would get you into less problems than ATI. (although i also prefer ATI ;) )


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