ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases

Farr Alias: Window Management

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This alias allows you to do a few things with the active window by typing a command in farr.

Here's the table describing the alias:

CommandDescriptionWindowManagementList all the commandsMinimizeMinimize the active windowMaximizeMaximize the windowMaximizeHorizontallyMaximize Horizontally the active windowMaximizeVerticallyMaximize Vertically the active window
Note: Everything assigned in bold is a farr keyword. If you find any keyword is too long, just type part of it, then when it's the first result, press tab to autocomplete.

Any tips?  I extracted the zip into the "Scripts" directory, and now I see "WinManagement", "Minimize", "Maximize", etc. all as new farr keywords, but when I select and run any of them from farr, nothing happens to the window I was in before launching farr.

Thanks for any help-

Oh, now that's strange.
Tell me: how do you launch farr? Do you double-click the taskbar icon or press the hotkey?

Hotkey.  So I'm in (whatever, MS-Word, Firefox, Win Explorer, have tried many windows), I hit the farr hotkey and start typing "minimize", it's the top match, I hit enter and farr disappears and I go back to the original (non-minimized) window.

I opened a related thread yesterday: when I launch a URL from farr, it loads into the current tab in firefox just fine, but if FF is minimized, it doesn't restore, it just stays minimized.  I got a reply from Mouser saying FF should be coming to the foreground.  Haven't got a fix for that yet, but maybe they're related.

I do use FarrAltTab just fine, it brings any window I select to the foreground.  Not sure what it does differently from WinManagement or simple URLs.

I find that very strange... I do it exactly the same way, and it works here.

Does anyone else have that problem?

ottenm: none of the aliases work?(max,min,maxV and maxH)


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