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A question about DRM

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I would like to meet the bright minds that invented this kind of DRM, and thought it could be a possible solution to piracy, and a good idea as well ::)

It is fair and legal to copy video to other media, audio too. Don't let "them" tell you otherwise. Breaking DRM is however illegal. I don't know all the details, but there's a provision in the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) that makes circumventing digital protection schemes illegal, no matter how much of a right you have to do so.

Carol Haynes:
It is fair and legal to copy video to other media, audio too. Don't let "them" tell you otherwise. Breaking DRM is however illegal. I don't know all the details, but there's a provision in the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) that makes circumventing digital protection schemes illegal, no matter how much of a right you have to do so.
-Hirudin (July 04, 2007, 03:36 AM)
--- End quote ---

Laws vary from country to country - in the land of the free just talking about breaking copyright restrictions can cause instant imprisonment without charge, trial, sentence, representation etc. and if you live in florida you will never be allowed to vote again (not that it means much when they fiddle the voting system anyway).

Here in the UK we are less draconian - having software on your system that could potentially be used to circumvent copyright is illegal (whether it is used for that purpose or not) and telling others how to do it is also illegal. Such 'crimes' are punishable by large fines and imprisonment and in extreme circumstances (like ripping a Simpsons episode) you can be extradited to the US (with holiday stops in Turkey and Cuba on private jets) to join their US friends.

ApologySorry if anyone is offended but does anybody really believe that individuals sharing copyright material REALLY finances organised crime and international terror - or are the multibillionaires running the 'entertainment' companies really that cynical

Carol Haynes: so, having OllyDebug and a (legitimately licensed!) copy of DataRescue's IDA might get you into trouble in the .uk? :P

Carol Haynes:
Don't know - but ISO buster might get you into trouble - even though it was designed to help recover data from damaged discs.


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