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ZoneLabs makes the worst garbage ever!

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I used to use ZA, but I couldn't make it work with Counterstrike Source, so I had to ditch it. I'm using Kaspersky now and I'm quite happy with it. ~23mb download!

ZoneLabs' Software is really weigh, it takes my computer down. I don't wanna use it anymore :)

Perry Mowbray:
I'm reconsidering my use of ZA at the moment... I recently upgraded to the Internet Suite but it really has slowed my system down significantly where the free product didn't.

* Getting to the log-on screen can take minutes after coming back from StandBy.
* Sometimes my system will just hang, it's like it's doing something but the CPU activity is zip, then it'll come back for a millisecond then go off with the fairies again  :(
got to investigate further to see if it really is ZA, but that's my assumption at the moment...

Perry Mowbray:
got to investigate further to see if it really is ZA, but that's my assumption at the moment...
-Perry Mowbray (July 01, 2007, 10:21 PM)
--- End quote ---

It was ZA! Turn Anti-Virus off and I can switch users immediately, turn Anti-Virus on and it takes five minutes to switch users!

I've used the free ZoneAlarm firewall for years, without any incident. It does have a few flaky things, such as I 've seen it block things even when it wasn't supposed to. But I've never had anything like the problems described.

My chief complaint these days is that they bundled their anit-spam product in the latest upgrade to the free version. This thing was dog slow and crashed Outlook frequently, but it wasn't to tough to get rid of it, and it's hard to complain too much about a free program.

But yeah, ZA is definitely slow, especially when starting up. Once running it's pretty trouble free though, at least for me.

Whether I actually need it or not is another question.  :D


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