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PAD databases and software subscriptions


As I am anxiously awaiting Mouser's DcUpdater, I was looking for programs which it could update. From the other thread it looks like DcUpdater supports PAD files. Now I am assuming many programs that are listed on download sites (perhaps all?) like snapfiles, filehippo, get updated via pad files. So I was going to start a thread about your programs pad files... HOWEVER..

There are already websites that contain PAD databases! Why not make a list of them here so it will be really easy to search through them, perhaps it could even convince mouser to add in a search function to return results for queries to all these databases? ;) That way we could subscribe to software updates from  WinRar from within DcUpdater: enter winrar, dcupdate then queries the pad databases, returns the result, and the user can click a subscribe button.  :tellme:

The two that I found:

I was definitely considering making a version of this tool that would include ability to browse a large pad database locally, or search online pad db sites, and then keep track of + install programs for the first time, or install updates easily.

Perry Mowbray:
I was definitely considering making a version of this tool that would include ability to browse a large pad database locally, or search online pad db sites, and then keep track of + install programs for the first time, or install updates easily.
-mouser (June 29, 2007, 02:02 PM)
--- End quote ---

Have you had any more thoughts on this? I've been experimenting doing a WebService on a Pad Database.


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