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IDEA: Activity logger (with screenshots)

(1/3) > >>

I work on my computer all day. As I’m blessed with ADHD, I often have trouble keeping focused on the task at hand.
To help with this, I've written an Excel macro that pops up once every 15 minutes, asking me to write down what I've been doing the past quarter of an hour.  This helps me keep track of what I've been doing, for time reporting later; and also serves as a 'refocusing' moment, when I've been distracted and started doing something else (which happens very often).  The macro saves each day in a separate tab in the same Excel file; and once every month, moves all the previous month's tabs to a separate Excel file.

This approach has several disadvantages:
* Excel needs to be loaded at all times, which consumes quite a bit of system resource.
* The pop-up reminder is a simple MessageBox and can be rather intrusive, as it sometimes steals the focus of the program I'm working in.
* The timer is suspended while the messagebox is up, so if I ignore it, it won't come back (and no screen shots will be taken either).
* Toward the end of the month, the .xls file takes some time to save (even on a local drive)

So I was thinking of writing a tiny program which would do approximately the same, but without the inconveniences.  I'd write it myself if I had more time available, but since I've had this idea since September 2006, and the current version of my Excel macro dates from November 2006, that's not going to happen soon. So I was wondering if someone else would be interested in making it.

I was thinking of something along the following lines:

Every 5 or 15 minutes, take a 'system snapshot':
* make a capture of the entire screen, and save it.  (Since there's going to be a lot of screen shots, it's probably a good idea to compress them, so at least save them as PNG, otherwise as JPG -- as long as it remains readable)
* record (at least) the following information to file:
  - The active program (executable, and active window's title or class, if there's no title)
  - The idle time (the time that user hasn't touched mouse or keyboard)
* show a system tray balloon (or some other mechanism that doesn't steal focus) requesting entry of current activities, and allow those to be entered -- save it with time stamp.

Also, preferably, a kind of 'report' interface which shows for a specific day, the screenshots taken, with the corresponding activities entered.  This could be a program window, or an HTML page for all I care.
And it shouldn't take up too much resources (less than Excel in any case).

Ideas for later versions (aka Nice To Have)
* Also keep track of all currently active processes, and all window texts
* After a certain amount of time (a month or so), either reduce the quality of the saved screen shots, or their size, so as to keep the database of screen shots from growing too large

I'd be immensely grateful if someone could make a usable tool for this... or shows me one that already exists!

I've often thought of making such a program out of my Screenshot Captor tool, but there is actually an existing program that does this pretty well, TimeSnapper ($40):

There used to be a free version but it looks like they are phasing that out and not talking about that any more.

Hey, thanks mouser!  I hadn't seen that one before.

The free version is still available, apparently:

TimeSnapper Classic: Free Forever
(You need to register, then they send you the download link by e-mail).

For a comparison chart of the Classic (free) and Pro ($40) editions:

It looks like I'll need the Pro version, but they offer a trial download version so I'll see if it's really what I need.

Thanks anyway,

CopyMessageBox by Thyante Software doesn't do all you want, but may go some way:

You may want to take a screenshot of an application you are working with every n seconds for documentation or bug reporting purposes. There is a feature in CopyMessageBox that allows to do this.

--- End quote ---

P.S.  It's free.

Example code to take screen shots!  :)

--- ---; see: for orignal
; GDI File and Image Helper

Routines to encode and decode binary data to and from Ascii/Ansi data (source code).

// by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)>
// File/Project history:
 1.01.000 -- 2006/07/04 (PL) -- Finally, I put Pebwa in its own file, it has less generic use.
 1.00.000 -- 2006/03/29 (PL) -- Creation, taking Bin2Hex and Hex2Bin
          (and Bin2Pebwa & Pebwa2Bin) from DllCallStruct.

Bin2Hex & Hex2Bin derivated from Laszlo's code.
/* Copyright notice: See the PhiLhoSoftLicence.txt file for details.
This file is distributed under the zlib/libpng license.
Copyright (c) 2006 Philippe Lhoste / PhiLhoSoft

FormatHexNumber(_value, _digitNb)
local hex, intFormat

; Save original integer format
intFormat = %A_FormatInteger%
; For converting bytes to hex
SetFormat Integer, Hex

hex := _value + (1 << 4 * _digitNb)
StringRight hex, hex, _digitNb
; I prefer my hex numbers to be in upper case
StringUpper hex, hex

; Restore original integer format
SetFormat Integer, %intFormat%

Return hex

// Convert raw bytes stored in a variable to a string of hexa digit pairs.
// Convert either byteNb bytes or, if null, the whole content of the variable.
// Return the number of converted bytes, or -1 if error (memory allocation)
Bin2Hex(ByRef @hexString, ByRef @bin, _byteNb=0)
local dataSize, dataAddress, granted, hex

; Get size of data
dataSize := VarSetCapacity(@bin)
If (_byteNb < 1 or _byteNb > dataSize)
_byteNb := dataSize
dataAddress := &@bin
; Make enough room (faster)
granted := VarSetCapacity(@hexString, _byteNb * 2)
if (granted < _byteNb * 2)
; Cannot allocate enough memory
ErrorLevel = Mem=%granted%
Return -1
Loop %_byteNb%
; Get byte in hexa
hex := FormatHexNumber(*dataAddress, 2)
@hexString = %@hexString%%hex%
dataAddress++ ; Next byte

Return _byteNb

// Convert a string of hexa digit pairs to raw bytes stored in a variable.
// Convert either byteNb bytes or, if null, the whole content of the variable.
// Return the number of converted bytes, or -1 if error (memory allocation)
Hex2Bin(ByRef @bin, _hex, _byteNb=0)
local dataSize, granted, dataAddress, x

; Get size of data
x := StrLen(_hex)
dataSize := x // 2
if (x = 0 or dataSize * 2 != x)
; Invalid string, empty or odd number of digits
ErrorLevel = Param
Return -1
If (_byteNb < 1 or _byteNb > dataSize)
_byteNb := dataSize
; Make enough room
granted := VarSetCapacity(@bin, _byteNb, 0)
if (granted < _byteNb)
; Cannot allocate enough memory
ErrorLevel = Mem=%granted%
Return -1
dataAddress := &@bin

Loop Parse, _hex
if (A_Index & 1 = 1) ; Odd
x := A_LoopField ; Odd digit
; Concatenate previous x and even digit, converted to hex
x := "0x" . x . A_LoopField
; Store integer in memory
, "UInt", dataAddress
, "UInt", 1
, "UChar", x)

Return _byteNb


Routines to read and write binary data to and from variables.
Helpers for DllCalls, handling of structures and such.

// by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)>
// File/Project history:
 1.04.000 -- 2006/03/29 (PL) -- Moved Bin2Hex and Hex2Bin from to BinaryEncodingDecoding.ahk.
          Renamed/recoded SetUInt & GetUInt to SetNextUInt & GetNextUInt and
          added SetNextByte and GetNextByte.
 1.03.000 -- 2006/03/24 (PL) -- Added Pebwa2Hex & Hex2Pebwa, to encode and decode binary data
          in an Ascii format, supposedly compact.
 1.02.000 -- 2006/03/17 (PL) -- Added SetUInt & GetUInt, mostly for copy/paste of small examples.
          Created FormatHexNumber and Improved DumpDWORDs (extended mode).
 1.01.000 -- 2006/02/15 (PL) -- Moved Bin2Hex & Hex2Bin from BinReadWrite.
 1.00.000 -- 2006/01/19 (PL) -- Creation with stock ExtractInteger & InsertInteger.

GetInteger & SetInteger derivated from the AHK's documentation.
/* Copyright notice: See the PhiLhoSoftLicence.txt file for details.
This file is distributed under the zlib/libpng license.
Copyright (c) 2006 Philippe Lhoste / PhiLhoSoft

;#Include BinaryEncodingDecoding.ahk

// Write a UInt (DWORD, ULONG, etc.) after the previously written ones.
// Useful for structures made only of UInts (POINT, RECT, etc.).
// @struct: hold the buffer where to write the UInt
// _value: value to write
// _bReset: if true, set UInt at offset 0
SetNextUInt(ByRef @struct, _value, _bReset=false)
local addr
static $offset

If (_bReset)
$offset := 0
addr := &@struct + $offset
$offset += 4
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", "UInt", addr,     "UInt", 1, "UChar", (_value & 0x000000FF))
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", "UInt", addr + 1, "UInt", 1, "UChar", (_value & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", "UInt", addr + 2, "UInt", 1, "UChar", (_value & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", "UInt", addr + 3, "UInt", 1, "UChar", (_value & 0xFF000000) >> 24)

// Read a UInt (DWORD, ULONG, etc.) after the previously read ones.
// Useful for structures made only of UInts (POINT, RECT, etc.).
// @struct: hold the buffer from which to extract the UInt.
// _bReset: if true, get UInt at offset 0. Needed when calling with another structure.
GetNextUInt(ByRef @struct, _bReset=false)
local addr
static $offset

If (_bReset)
$offset := 0
addr := &@struct + $offset
$offset += 4

Return *addr + (*(addr + 1) << 8) +  (*(addr + 2) << 16) + (*(addr + 3) << 24)

// Write a byte after the previously written ones.
// @struct: hold the buffer where to write the byte
// _value: value to write
// _bReset: if true, set byte at offset 0
SetNextByte(ByRef @struct, _value, _bReset=false)
local addr
static $offset

If (_bReset)
$offset := 0
addr := &@struct + $offset
DllCall("RtlFillMemory", "UInt", addr, "UInt", 1, "UChar", _value)

// Read a byte after the previously read ones.
// @struct: hold the buffer from which to extract the byte
// _bReset: if true, get byte at offset 0
GetNextByte(ByRef @struct, _bReset=false)
local addr
static $offset

If (_bReset)
$offset := 0
addr := &@struct + $offset

Return *addr

// Get and return a numerical value from the given buffer (@source) at given
// offset (_offset, in bytes). By default get a UInt/DWORD/Long (4 bytes)
// but _size parameter can be set to another size (in bytes).
// If _bIsSigned is true, interpret the result as signed number.
; @source is a string (buffer) whose memory area contains a raw/binary integer at _offset.
; The caller should pass true for _bIsSigned to interpret the result as signed vs. unsigned.
; _size is the size of @source's integer in bytes (e.g. 4 bytes for a DWORD or Int).
; @source must be ByRef to avoid corruption during the formal-to-actual copying process
; (since @source might contain valid data beyond its first binary zero).
GetInteger(ByRef @source, _offset = 0, _bIsSigned = false, _size = 4)
local result

Loop %_size%  ; Build the integer by adding up its bytes.
result += *(&@source + _offset + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
If (!_bIsSigned OR _size > 4 OR result < 0x80000000)
Return result  ; Signed vs. unsigned doesn't matter in these cases.
; Otherwise, convert the value (now known to be 32-bit & negative) to its signed counterpart:
return -(0xFFFFFFFF - result + 1)

// Set a numerical value (_integer) in the given buffer (@dest) at given
// offset (_offset, in bytes). By default set a UInt/DWORD/Long (4 bytes)
// but _size parameter can be set to another size (in bytes).
; The caller must ensure that @dest has sufficient capacity.
; To preserve any existing contents in @dest,
; only _size number of bytes starting at _offset are altered in it.
SetInteger(ByRef @dest, _integer, _offset = 0, _size = 4)
Loop %_size%  ; Copy each byte in the integer into the structure as raw binary data.
, "UInt", &@dest + _offset + A_Index-1
, "UInt", 1
, "UChar", (_integer >> 8*(A_Index-1)) & 0xFF)

; Some API functions require a WCHAR string.
GetUnicodeString(ByRef @unicodeString, _ansiString)
local len

len := StrLen(_ansiString)
VarSetCapacity(@unicodeString, len * 2 + 1, 0)

, "UInt", 0             ; CodePage: CP_ACP=0 (current Ansi), CP_UTF7=65000, CP_UTF8=65001
, "UInt", 0             ; dwFlags
, "Str", _ansiString    ; LPSTR lpMultiByteStr
, "Int", len            ; cbMultiByte: -1=null terminated
, "UInt", &@unicodeString ; LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr
, "Int", len)           ; cchWideChar: 0 to get required size

; Some API functions return a WCHAR string.
local len, ansiString

len := DllCall("lstrlenW", "UInt", _unicodeStringPt)
VarSetCapacity(ansiString, len, 0)

, "UInt", 0           ; CodePage: CP_ACP=0 (current Ansi), CP_UTF7=65000, CP_UTF8=65001
, "UInt", 0           ; dwFlags
, "UInt", _unicodeStringPt ; LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr
, "Int", len          ; cchWideChar: size in WCHAR values, -1=null terminated
, "Str", ansiString   ; LPSTR lpMultiByteStr
, "Int", len          ; cbMultiByte: 0 to get required size
, "UInt", 0           ; LPCSTR lpDefaultChar
, "UInt", 0)          ; LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar

Return ansiString

// Kept for backward compatibility (and convenience?).
DumpDWORDs(ByRef @bin, _byteNb, _bExtended=false)
Return DumpDWORDsByAddr(&@bin, _byteNb, _bExtended)

// For debugging, return formatted hex string separating DWORDs
// Idem to Bin2Hex, usable directly in a MsgBox...
// Extended mode: give offsets and Ascii dump.
DumpDWORDsByAddr(_binAddr, _byteNb, _bExtended=false)
local dataSize, dataAddress, granted, line, dump, hex, ascii
local dumpWidth, offsetSize, resultSize

offsetSize = 4 ; 4 hex digits (enough for most dumps)
dumpWidth = 32
; Make enough room (faster)
resultSize := _byteNb * 4
If _bExtended
dumpWidth = 16 ; Make room for offset and Ascii
resultSize += offsetSize + 8 + dumpWidth
granted := VarSetCapacity(dump, resultSize)
if (granted < resultSize)
; Cannot allocate enough memory
ErrorLevel = Mem=%granted%
Return -1
If _bExtended
offset = 0
line := FormatHexNumber(offset, offsetSize) ": "
Loop %_byteNb%
; Get byte in hexa
hex := FormatHexNumber(*_binAddr, 2)
If _bExtended
; Get byte in Ascii
If (*_binAddr >= 32) ; Not a control char
ascii := ascii Chr(*_binAddr)
ascii := ascii "."
line := line hex A_Space
If (Mod(A_Index, dumpWidth) = 0)
; Max dumpWidth bytes per line
If (_bExtended)
; Show Ascii dump
line := line " - " ascii
ascii =
dump := dump line "`n"
line =
If (_bExtended && A_Index < _byteNb)
line := FormatHexNumber(offset, offsetSize) ": "
Else If (Mod(A_Index, 4) = 0)
; Separate bytes per groups of 4, for readability
line := line "| "
_binAddr++ ; Next byte
If (Mod(_byteNb, dumpWidth) != 0)
If (_bExtended)
line := line " - " ascii
dump := dump line "`n"

Return dump


Wrappers around some useful GDI+ functions.

// by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)>
// File/Project history:
 1.02.000 -- 2006/08/22 (PL) -- Added GDIplus_LoadBitmapFromClipboard.
 1.01.000 -- 2006/08/21 (PL) -- Some fixes, support of more parameters.
 1.00.000 -- 2006/08/18 (PL) -- Initial code.

;#Include DllCallStruct.ahk

; GDI+ constants

; GpStatus enumeration
#GDIplusOK = 0
#GpStatus@0 = OK
#GpStatus@1 = GenericError
#GpStatus@2 = InvalidParameter
#GpStatus@3 = OutOfMemory
#GpStatus@4 = ObjectBusy
#GpStatus@5 = InsufficientBuffer
#GpStatus@6 = NotImplemented
#GpStatus@7 = Win32Error
#GpStatus@8 = WrongState
#GpStatus@9 = Aborted
#GpStatus@10 = FileNotFound
#GpStatus@11 = ValueOverflow
#GpStatus@12 = AccessDenied
#GpStatus@13 = UnknownImageFormat
#GpStatus@14 = FontFamilyNotFound
#GpStatus@15 = FontStyleNotFound
#GpStatus@16 = NotTrueTypeFont
#GpStatus@17 = UnsupportedGdiplusVersion
#GpStatus@18 = GdiplusNotInitialized
#GpStatus@19 = PropertyNotFound
#GpStatus@20 = PropertyNotSupported

#sizeOfCLSID = 16

; EncoderValueCompressionLZW, ...CCITT3, ...CCITT4, ...Rle, ...None for TIFF
#EncoderCompression = {E09D739D-CCD4-44EE-8EBA-3FBF8BE4FC58}
; 1, 4, 8, 24, 32 -- The image must be in the right format before saving
#EncoderColorDepth = {66087055-AD66-4C7C-9A18-38A2310B8337}
#EncoderScanMethod = {3A4E2661-3109-4E56-8536-42C156E7DCFA}
#EncoderVersion = {24D18C76-814A-41A4-BF53-1C219CCCF797}
#EncoderRenderMethod = {6D42C53A-229A-4825-8BB7-5C99E2B9A8B8}
; 0 to 100 (JPeg)
#EncoderQuality = {1D5BE4B5-FA4A-452D-9CDD-5DB35105E7EB}
#EncoderTransformation = {8D0EB2D1-A58E-4EA8-AA14-108074B7B6F9}
#EncoderLuminanceTable = {EDB33BCE-0266-4A77-B904-27216099E717}
#EncoderChrominanceTable = {F2E455DC-09B3-4316-8260-676ADA32481C}
; EncoderValueMultiFrame (TIFF)
#EncoderSaveFlag = {292266FC-AC40-47BF-8CFC-A85B89A655DE}

#FrameDimensionTime = {6AEDBD6D-3FB5-418A-83A6-7F45229DC872}
#FrameDimensionResolution = {84236F7B-3BD3-428F-8DAB-4EA1439CA315}
#FrameDimensionPage   = {7462DC86-6180-4C7E-8E3F-EE7333A7A483}

#FormatIDImageInformation = {E5836CBE-5EEF-0F1D-ACDE-AE4C43B608CE}
#FormatIDJpegAppHeaders  = {1C4AFDCD-6177-43CF-ABC7-5F51AF39EE85}

#CodecIImageBytes  = {025D1823-6C7D-447B-BBDB-A3CBC3DFA2FC}

; Specifies that the parameter is an 8-bit unsigned integer.
#EncoderParameterValueTypeByte = 1
; Specifies that the parameter is a null-terminated character string.
#EncoderParameterValueTypeASCII = 2
; Specifies that the parameter is a 16-bit unsigned integer.
#EncoderParameterValueTypeShort = 3
; Specifies that the parameter is a 32-bit unsigned integer.
#EncoderParameterValueTypeLong = 4
; Specifies that the parameter is an array of two, 32-bit unsigned integers.
; The pair of integers represents a fraction.
; The first integer in the pair is the numerator, and the second integer in the pair is the denominator.
#EncoderParameterValueTypeRational = 5
; Specifies that the parameter is an array of two, 32-bit unsigned integers.
; The pair of integers represents a range of numbers.
; The first integer is the smallest number in the range, and the second integer is the largest number in the range.
#EncoderParameterValueTypeLongRange = 6
; Specifies that the parameter is an array of bytes that can hold values of any type.
#EncoderParameterValueTypeUndefined = 7
; Specifies that the parameter is an array of four, 32-bit unsigned integers.
; The first two integers represent one fraction, and the second two integers represent a second fraction.
; The two fractions represent a range of rational numbers.
; The first fraction is the smallest rational number in the range, and the second fraction is the largest rational number in the range.
#EncoderParameterValueTypeRationalRange = 8
; Specifies that the parameter is a pointer to a block of custom metadata.
#EncoderParameterValueTypePointer = 9

#sizeOfEncoderParameter := 16 + 3 * 4

#GDIplus_mimeType_BMP = image/bmp
#GDIplus_mimeType_JPG = image/jpeg
#GDIplus_mimeType_GIF = image/gif
#GDIplus_mimeType_PNG = image/png
#GDIplus_mimeType_TIF = image/tiff

; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueColorTypeCMYK = 0
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueColorTypeYCCK = 1
; For a TIFF image, specifies the LZW compression method.
#EncoderValueCompressionLZW = 2
; For a TIFF image, specifies the CCITT3 compression method.
#EncoderValueCompressionCCITT3 = 3
; For a TIFF image, specifies the CCITT4 compression method.
#EncoderValueCompressionCCITT4 = 4
; For a TIFF image, specifies the RLE compression method.
#EncoderValueCompressionRle = 5
; For a TIFF image, specifies no compression.
#EncoderValueCompressionNone = 6
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueScanMethodInterlaced = 7
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueScanMethodNonInterlaced = 8
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueVersionGif87 = 9
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueVersionGif89 = 10
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueRenderProgressive = 11
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueRenderNonProgressive = 12
; For a JPEG image, specifies lossless 90-degree clockwise rotation.
#EncoderValueTransformRotate90 = 13
; For a JPEG image, specifies lossless 180-degree rotation.
#EncoderValueTransformRotate180 = 14
; For a JPEG image, specifies lossless 270-degree clockwise rotation.
#EncoderValueTransformRotate270 = 15
; For a JPEG image, specifies a lossless horizontal flip.
#EncoderValueTransformFlipHorizontal = 16
; For a JPEG image, specifies a lossless vertical flip.
#EncoderValueTransformFlipVertical = 17
; Specifies multiple-frame encoding.
#EncoderValueMultiFrame = 18
; Specifies the last frame of a multiple-frame image.
#EncoderValueLastFrame = 19
; Specifies that the encoder object is to be closed.
#EncoderValueFlush = 20
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueFrameDimensionTime = 21
; Not used in GDI+ version 1.0.
#EncoderValueFrameDimensionResolution = 22
; For a TIFF image, specifies the page frame dimension.
#EncoderValueFrameDimensionPage = 23

#GDIplus_lastError = 0

#hGDIplusDLL = 0
#GDIplus_token = 0

; Initialize GDI+ library
local r, structGdiplusStartupInput

#GDIplus_lastError =
; Note: LoadLibrary *must* be called, otherwise on each call of the GDIplus
; functions, AutoHotkey will free the DLL, and we loose the token, crashing AHK!
#hGDIplusDLL := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "GDIplus.dll")
If (#hGDIplusDLL = 0)
MsgBox 16, GDIplus Wrapper, You need the GDIplus.dll in your path!

struct GdiplusStartupInput
UINT32 GdiplusVersion; // Must be 1
DebugEventProc DebugEventCallback; // NULL
BOOL SuppressBackgroundThread; // FALSE
BOOL SuppressExternalCodecs; // Ignored...
VarSetCapacity(structGdiplusStartupInput, 4 * 4, 0)
SetInteger(structGdiplusStartupInput, 1)    ; Version
r := DllCall("GDIplus\GdiplusStartup"
, "UInt *", #GDIplus_token
, "UInt", &structGdiplusStartupInput
, "UInt", 0)
If (r != #GDIplusOK)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GdiplusStartup (" . r . ": " . #GpStatus@%r% . ") " . ErrorLevel
Return r

; Close GDI+ library
#GDIplus_lastError =
, "UInt", #GDIplus_token)
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", #hGDIplusDLL)
#hGDIplusDLL := 0

; Load a bitmap from a file
GDIplus_LoadBitmap(ByRef @bitmap, _fileName)
local r, ufn

#GDIplus_lastError =
GetUnicodeString(ufn, _fileName)
r := DllCall("GDIplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromFile"
, "UInt", &ufn
, "UInt *", @bitmap)
If (r != #GDIplusOK)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GdipCreateBitmapFromFile (" . r . ": " . #GpStatus@%r% . ") " . ErrorLevel
Return r

; Load an image (bitmap or vector) from a file
GDIplus_LoadImage(ByRef @image, _fileName)
local r, ufn

#GDIplus_lastError =
GetUnicodeString(ufn, _fileName)
r := DllCall("GDIplus\GdipLoadImageFromFile"
, "UInt", &ufn
, "UInt *", @image)
If (r != #GDIplusOK)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GdipLoadImageFromFile (" . r . ": " . #GpStatus@%r% . ") " . ErrorLevel
Return r

; Load a bitmap from the clipboard
GDIplus_LoadBitmapFromClipboard(ByRef @bitmap)
local r, handle

#GDIplus_lastError =
r := DllCall("OpenClipboard", "UInt", 0)
If (r = 0)
#GDIplus_lastError := "OpenClipboard (" . A_LastError . ") " . ErrorLevel
Return -1
handle := DllCall("GetClipboardData"
, "UInt", 2) ; CF_BITMAP = 2, CF_DIB = 8
If (r = 0)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GetClipboardData (" . A_LastError . ") " . ErrorLevel
Return -1
If (handle = 0)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GDIplus_LoadBitmapFromClipboard: No image in clipboard"
Return -1

r := DllCall("GDIplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP"
, "UInt", handle
, "UInt", 0
, "UInt *", @bitmap)
If (r != #GDIplusOK)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP (" . r . ": " . #GpStatus@%r% . ") " . ErrorLevel . " " . A_LastError
Return r

; Save an image on a file
GDIplus_SaveImage(_image, _fileName, ByRef @clsidEncoder, ByRef @encoderParams)
local r, ufn, encoderAddr

#GDIplus_lastError =
If @encoderParams = NONE
encoderAddr := 0
encoderAddr := &@encoderParams
GetUnicodeString(ufn, _fileName)
r := DllCall("GDIplus\GdipSaveImageToFile"
, "UInt", _image
, "UInt", &ufn
, "UInt", &@clsidEncoder
, "UInt", encoderAddr)
If (r != #GDIplusOK)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GdipSaveImageToFile (" . r . ": " . #GpStatus@%r% . ") " . ErrorLevel
Return r

GDIplus_GetEncoderCLSID(ByRef @encoderCLSID, _mimeType)
local r, numEncoders, size, encoders, encoderAddr, sizeImageCodecInfo
local addr, mimeTypeAddr, mimeType, codecIdentifierAddr

#GDIplus_lastError =
; What size do we need?
r := DllCall("GDIplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize"
, "UInt *", numEncoders
, "UInt *", size)
If (r != #GDIplusOK)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GdipGetImageEncodersSize (" . r . ": " . #GpStatus@%r% . ") " . ErrorLevel

; Allocate this size
VarSetCapacity(encoders, size, 0)
; And get the listing of encoders
r := DllCall("GDIplus\GdipGetImageEncoders"
, "UInt", numEncoders
, "UInt", size
, "UInt", &encoders)
If (r != #GDIplusOK)
#GDIplus_lastError := "GdipGetImageEncoders (" . r . ": " . #GpStatus@%r% . ") " . ErrorLevel
encoderAddr := &encoders

sizeImageCodecInfo := 76
mimeTypeOffset := 48
class ImageCodecInfo
// Size: 2 * 16 + 11 * 4 = 76
public:                             // Offsets / Sizes (4 by default)
// Codec identifier.
CLSID Clsid;                    //   0 / 16
// File format identifier. GUIDs that identify various file formats
// (ImageFormatBMP, ImageFormatEMF, and the like) are defined in Gdiplusimaging.h.
GUID  FormatID;                 //  16 / 16
// Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the codec name.
const WCHAR* CodecName;         //  32
// Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the path name of the DLL
// in which the codec resides.  If the codec is not in a DLL, this pointer is NULL.
const WCHAR* DllName;           //  36
// Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the file format used by the codec.
const WCHAR* FormatDescription; //  40
// Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains all file-name extensions associated with the codec.
// The extensions are separated by semicolons.
const WCHAR* FilenameExtension; //  44
// Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the mime type of the codec.
const WCHAR* MimeType;          //  48
// Combination of flags from the ImageCodecFlags enumeration.
DWORD Flags;                    //  52
// Integer that indicates the version of the codec.
DWORD Version;                  //  56
// Integer that indicates the number of signatures used by the file format associated with the codec.
DWORD SigCount;                 //  60
// Integer that indicates the number of bytes in each signature.
DWORD SigSize;                  //  64
// Pointer to an array of bytes that contains the pattern for each signature.
const BYTE* SigPattern;         //  68
// Pointer to an array of bytes that contains the mask for each signature.
const BYTE* SigMask;            //  72
// Size: 4 + 2 + 2 + 8 = 16
typedef struct _GUID {
unsigned long  Data1;
unsigned short Data2;
unsigned short Data3;
unsigned char  Data4[ 8 ];
typedef GUID CLSID;
; Loop through all the codecs
codecIdentifierAddr = 0
Loop %numEncoders%
addr := encoderAddr + 48
mimeTypeAddr := *addr + (*(addr + 1) << 8) +  (*(addr + 2) << 16) + (*(addr + 3) << 24)
mimeType := GetAnsiStringFromUnicodePointer(mimeTypeAddr)
If (mimeType = _mimeType)
; We found it!
codecIdentifierAddr := encoderAddr
encoderAddr += sizeImageCodecInfo

If (codecIdentifierAddr = 0)
; Not found
r := #GpStatus@13 ; UnknownImageFormat
#GDIplus_lastError := "GDIplus_GetEncoderCLSID (" . r . ": " . #GpStatus@%r% . ") " . ErrorLevel
; Copy the CLSID of the codec
VarSetCapacity(@encoderCLSID, #sizeOfCLSID, 0)
, "UInt", &@encoderCLSID
, "UInt", codecIdentifierAddr
, "Int", #sizeOfCLSID)

Return r

; Initialize the encoder parameters
GDIplus_InitEncoderParameters(ByRef @encoderParameters, _paramCount)
local r

; Initialize encoder parameters (blank)
VarSetCapacity(@encoderParameters, 4 + _paramCount * #sizeOfEncoderParameter, 0)

Return 0

; Add one encoder parameter (currently only Long ones)
GDIplus_AddEncoderParameter(ByRef @encoderParameters, _categoryGUID, ByRef @value)
local r, size, clsid, guid, count, parameterOffset

class EncoderParameters
UINT Count;                      // Number of parameters in this structure
EncoderParameter Parameter[1];   // Parameter values
; Get current number of parameters
count := GetInteger(@encoderParameters, 0)
parameterOffset := 4 + count * #sizeOfEncoderParameter
; Add another

size := VarSetCapacity(@encoderParameters)
If (size <4 + count * #sizeOfEncoderParameter)
#GDIplus_lastError = GDIplus_AddEncoderParameter (@encoderParameters is too small, call GDIplus_InitEncoderParameters with proper number of parameters)
Return -1
SetInteger(@encoderParameters, count, 0) ; Number of EncoderParameter's

class EncoderParameter
// Identifies the parameter category. (EncoderCompression, EncoderColorDepth, EncoderQuality, and the like) are defined in Gdiplusimaging.h.
GUID Guid;
// Number of values in the array pointed to by the Value data member.
ULONG NumberOfValues;
// Identifies the data type of the parameter. The EncoderParameterValueType enumeration in Gdiplusenums.h defines several possible value types.
// Pointer to an array of values. Each value has the type specified by the Type data member.
VOID* Value;
GetUnicodeString(clsid, _categoryGUID)
VarSetCapacity(guid, #sizeOfCLSID, 0)
r := DllCall("Ole32\CLSIDFromString"
, "UInt", &clsid
, "UInt", &guid
, "UInt")
If (r != 0) ; NOERROR
If (r = 0x800401F3) ; CO_E_CLASSSTRING
#GDIplus_lastError = CLSIDFromString (CO_E_CLASSSTRING: The class string was improperly formatted.)
Else If (r = 0x80040151) ; REGDB_E_WRITEREGDB
#GDIplus_lastError = CLSIDFromString (REGDB_E_WRITEREGDB: The CLSID corresponding to the class string was not found in the registry.)
#GDIplus_lastError = CLSIDFromString (Unknown error: %r%)
Return r

; Set Guid
, "UInt", &@encoderParameters + parameterOffset
, "UInt", &guid
, "Int", #sizeOfCLSID)
parameterOffset += #sizeOfCLSID
; Set NumberOfValues
SetInteger(@encoderParameters, 1,  parameterOffset)
parameterOffset += 4
; Set Type
SetInteger(@encoderParameters, #EncoderParameterValueTypeLong, parameterOffset)
parameterOffset += 4
; Set Value
SetInteger(@value, @value) ; Overwrite the @value storage space with the value it contained
SetInteger(@encoderParameters, &@value, parameterOffset)

Return 0
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Non Function Code Start

OnExit, handle_exit

  FileCreateDir, screens
  FileCreateDir, thumbs

  WinGet, hw_frame, id, "Program Manager"   ; Desktop ?
  hdc_frame := DllCall( "GetDC", "uint",  hw_frame )
  hdc_frame_full := DllCall( "GetDC", "uint",  hw_frame )
  counter:=0   ; thumbnails
  counter_f:=0   ; fullscreens
  thumb_w:= 200
  thumb_h:= ceil( thumb_w * A_ScreenHeight / A_ScreenWidth ) ; keep screenratio
  use_antialize := 1

  ; buffer
  hdc_buffer := DllCall( "gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC"     , "uint", hdc_frame )
  hbm_buffer := DllCall( "gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap" , "uint", hdc_frame, "int", thumb_w, "int", thumb_h )
  r          := DllCall( "gdi32.dll\SelectObject"           , "uint", hdc_buffer, "uint", hbm_buffer )

  hdc_buffer_full := DllCall( "gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC"     , "uint", hdc_frame_full )
  hbm_buffer_full := DllCall( "gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap" , "uint", hdc_frame_full, "int", A_ScreenWidth, "int", A_ScreenHeight )
  r_full          := DllCall( "gdi32.dll\SelectObject"           , "uint", hdc_buffer_full, "uint", hbm_buffer_full )

  ; comment this line for speed but less quality
  if use_antialize = 1
    DllCall( "gdi32.dll\SetStretchBltMode", "uint", hdc_buffer, "int", 4 )  ; Halftone better quality with stretch


  counter := counter +1
  FormatTime, myTime, , yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
  fileNameDestP = thumbs\T_%myTime%_%counter%_%thumb_w%x%thumb_h%.png

  If (GDIplus_Start() != 0)
     Goto GDIplusError

  ; Copy BMP from DC
  DllCall( "gdi32.dll\StretchBlt"
          , "uint", hdc_buffer, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", thumb_w, "int", thumb_h
          , "uint", hdc_frame,  "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", A_ScreenWidth, "int", A_ScreenHeight, "uint", 0x00CC0020 )

  DllCall( "GDIplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", uint, hbm_buffer, uint, 0, uintp, bitmap )

  ; Save to PNG

  If (GDIplus_GetEncoderCLSID(pngEncoder, #GDIplus_mimeType_png) != 0)
     Goto GDIplusError

  noParams = NONE
  If (GDIplus_SaveImage(bitmap, fileNameDestP, pngEncoder, noParams) != 0)
     Goto GDIplusError
   Gosub GDIplusStop

  counter_f := counter_f +1
  FormatTime, myTime, , yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
  fileNameDestP = screens\S_%myTime%_%counter_f%_%A_ScreenWidth%x%A_ScreenHeight%.png

  If (GDIplus_Start() != 0)
     Goto GDIplusError

  ; Copy BMP from DC
  DllCall( "gdi32.dll\BitBlt"
          , "uint", hdc_buffer_full, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", A_ScreenWidth, "int", A_ScreenHeight
          , "uint", hdc_frame_full,  "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x00CC0020 )

  DllCall( "GDIplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", uint, hbm_buffer_full, uint, 0, uintp, bitmap )

  ; Save to PNG

  If (GDIplus_GetEncoderCLSID(pngEncoder, #GDIplus_mimeType_png) != 0)
     Goto GDIplusError

  noParams = NONE
  If (GDIplus_SaveImage(bitmap, fileNameDestP, pngEncoder, noParams) != 0)
     Goto GDIplusError
   Gosub GDIplusStop

   If (#GDIplus_lastError != "")
      MsgBox 16, GDIplus Test, Error in %#GDIplus_lastError%

   DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "uint", hbm_buffer )
   DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC"    , "uint", hdc_frame )
   DllCall( "gdi32.dll\DeleteDC"    , "uint", hdc_buffer )
Win+V Takes full screen
Win+C Takes thumnail of screen


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