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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

"Decrapify" your PC


Half Bytes
It seems like every new PC bought out there has trial software installed nagging the crap out of you to purchase it every day, week, month etc.
You always mean to clean it out but you never quite get around to it, instead you put up with or disable the nagging.

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Good software. For all the people buying Dell and similar it's an excellent tool.

Glad I buy computers in parts!

Good software. For all the people buying Dell and similar it's an excellent tool.

Glad I buy computers in parts!
-Lashiec (June 26, 2007, 01:15 PM)
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Lots of folks ain't talented enough to roll their own, me I'm just too lazy :-[ , it's one tool among many.
Besides, I also like the name.  :Thmbsup:


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