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Stop Windows from calling home

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ZOMG paranoia...

BTW, Skype is insecure and has known backdoors every few versions. Not a good thing, is it?

Furthermore ,Windows messenger should be shot down on sight if you ask me, third party software is better,safer and has more features. Hence it is useless.-Shades (December 26, 2009, 01:48 PM)
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Safer? care to elaborate? And can you point out a MSN replacement that supports webcams?
-f0dder (December 26, 2009, 02:36 PM)
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I'm curious on that one myself, but I've found Skype to be acceptable for video calls. *Shrug* ...Just a thought.
-Stoic Joker (December 26, 2009, 02:45 PM)
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Skype is probably fine, but that (obviously :)) doesn't use the MSN protocol, and thus doesn't really apply here. I'm sure there's plenty of apps that do video/voice chats better than MSN, but not everybody are willing to install yet another app... besides, my point was that Shades claim there's plenty of replacements that are better/have more features, yet I haven't found one that has webcam support :)

Here in the Americas the MSN network is not that popular, GoogleTalk is more reliable over the connections we have here. Internet is definitely not as developed and cheap as in the US and Europe. At least not that many people here use a webcam for communication and if they do, it is Skype what people use (to call to Spain), since it is not too much trouble to change from VOIP to standard telephone through their network. My suggestion would be my personal favorite Pidgin as alternative, although people here in Paraguay use Spark a lot.

@ Stoic Joker:
Now I do have a reason to be sorry about shooting my mouth off regarding your software without trying it myself.  :-[

sounds interesting..I will check it out..Thanks for the interesting post..

Not sure how anyone got off the topic of the OP, but I'll chime in here....looking at those screen shots show some crazy options!

Disable Automatic Windows Updates - Are you kidding me? Bug fixes, feature additions, and fixing vulnerabilities are unappealing to people?

Disable Time Synchronization - Adverse to your PC keeping precise time by the use of communicating with The Atomic Clock?

Disable Scheduled Task Service - Sometimes very important programs use this service to make sure tasks are carried out when needed.

Disable RPC Locator - If your PC is on a network and you do not know what you are doing turn this one on at your peril.

Disable Windows Defender - Oh, come on...may as well disable your AV, your anti-malware, and firewall while you're at it.

Disable Windows Firewall - And there it is!

I see programs like this and I am reminded of a job I had a few years ago & a co-worker decided to run one of these programs on his work PC. What the program did in 30 seconds took us over an hour to undo so his computer could see and connect to the computer network again.

Windows doesn't call home. It does, however, contact numerous web sites (some owned by Microsoft) to ensure that you have a safe, secure, and optimal computing experience.


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