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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

I will kill thee a 150 ways...freely

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Claus Valca provides a comprehensive list of process-killer software that is second to none on his Grand Stream Dreams tips blog when you absolutely, positively must unlock that file.

[attach madgirlwithswords.jpg][/attach]

He breaks them down into a progression of categories:

* Easy and Good

* Bit More Complex

* Best left for the Pros

* Not Exactly Related...but good to have handy

* Boot from another Windows or Windows-Like OS

* Hire a Mercenary

Go. Read. Now!

Excellent find!

PSKill and Unlocker  :Thmbsup:

Claus's list illustrates how many software titles there are even in obscure categories. Once you start digging, you're often amazed at how much is out there.

I use Unlocker a lot, myself - it's a great, easy-to-use utility :up:.

Thanks for the article, Claus and the referral, zridling!


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