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teracopy: copy your files faster

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Teracopy is nice.

I just want to "warn" those who happen to copy files from X1 (and maybe from other desktop search interface too, I don't know) that teracopy and other file managers using special "copying/moving etc. system" seems to  modify filenames case according to X1's own stupid filename modifications.

i.e. : X1 usually display all files in lower case (or will arbitrarily modify the case to something different), even if they're not really in lower case ; and if you copy them from X1 to a folder using teracopy, the filenames will be transformed according to X1's own screwed up displaying. I've read that this happens with some file managers like DO and the like.

Funny, I just ordered Teracopy and came to DC to check the thread and someone just posted.  Weird.  $11.97 during their Xmas sale for 2 more days (includes all future versions).  I puchased Audio Sliders back in January of 2001 from CodeSector as well, updates have been very minimal to none, but I have never needed support with it, unlike some unfortunate souls ;) (I won't mention any names for fear of waking...) So we shall see how support goes this time around as I expect to use this much more than Audio Sliders at the time.  I tried Teracopy 1 & 2.0 beta a couple weeks ago as I moved many smaller (<200gb) external hard drives onto a few bigger ones.  I was saving about 5-7 minutes per 60 minutes of transfer time over standard windows explorer transfers (this was consistent over transferring many of hundreds of gigs).  Anywho, I was just copying old DVD-R's that I had burned 4-5 years ago back to these new hard drives for more accessible storage and I was receiving cylindric transfer errors.  So I reverted back to Teracopy, so I could track which files were erroring out on a mass transfer.  It doesn't fully complete the transfer of "good" files when it finds errors, but hopefully it will in the future.  So far I have yet to receive my license (25 minutes later).  I probably should have tried the other programs mentioned in this thread first, but oh well.  Impressions seem to be positive and for the first time in a long time there seems to be consistent activity on the Code Sector website and response from support, so we shall see if it lasts... :)

I had some emails go completely unacknowledged back when I originally tried Direct Folders but it seems like Jeff (DesertEagle) with Code Sector is actively developing and is replying to comments on the new blog.  Given the improved communication, I took a gamble and just bought Direct Folders and TeraCopy.  Hopefully I don't end up regretting it but $25 is a lot better than $40.

In reply to one of the comments on his blog he mentions that he'll be picking up development on Direct Folders after the stable release of TeraCopy 2, thought to be in another week or two.

In reply to one of the comments on his blog he mentions that he'll be picking up development on Direct Folders after the stable release of TeraCopy 2, thought to be in another week or two.
-Liquidmantis (December 30, 2007, 06:56 PM)
--- End quote ---

Good on both counts. Direct Folders is in desperate need of some stability bug fixes.

Can anyone tell me what differences there are in the Pro version of TeraCopy?  The web site mentions only two additional features:  1) Select files with the same extension/same folder, and 2) Remove selected files from the copy queue.  Plus "Priority Support".  Any other significant differences?




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