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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Q: Preferences backup for installed applications?

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Yes fantastic with quality advice like that it makes you wonder why there isn't a software workflow website with screencasts of getting the most out of software. Practices like what you describe really take familiarity with the software.

I'll try get some screenshots together to clarify this - hopefully later on today. In the meantime, check out mouser's Pro-user Backup Guide. It covers a lot of this territory.

Ouch! Sorry justice I never got back to this thread  :-[ (lame excuse: went to Vancouver the next day for a three day visit and then left for five weeks in Belgium on June 16 and it slipped my mind). I'll get some screencaps ready and post them here later today.

It's not important but looking forward to the screencaps :)  :Thmbsup:

Well, this was going to be a screencast, but it seemed more relevant to do screencaps from the cast of the relevant "bits" of the operation. The only thing I didn't get was the last screen, which would have shown an "operation completed successfully" pop-up. I've combined 14 images into a powerpoint presentation and saved it as a Shockwave File. Click on the link below and it should open in your default swf player (for me, it's GOMPlayer). I don't know how useful this is, but there it is!



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