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Free Acronis TrueImage for Seagate/Maxtor HDD owners

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According to The Inquirer Seagate and Maxtor (acquired by Seagate some years ago) ship a free version of one of the tools recommended by with their HDDs: Acronis TrueImage

I am not sure if you need any special HDD, such as an external one, to get this software for free, but it might be worth checking this out if you either own one of those drives, plan to buy one...or even plan to buy Acronis TrueImage. Buy a HDD instead and get the software with the drive...

Thanks oBFusC8r - I just took delivery of a Seagate notebook drive, but it didn't come with Acronis TrueImage  :( I'll investigate further...

Just to clarify - my Seagate drive didn't come with any software at all! They've rebranded Acronis TrueImage as Seagate DiskWizard and as Maxtor MaxBlast.

It's not clear from the piece what the author is trying to say here: We wonder is there some agreement over keeping this cooperation silent, but Seagate missed out the fact that this hack uses Seagate drives.
--- End quote ---
but I take it to mean that the software either won't run at all or the licence is null and void in the absence of at least one Seagate/Maxtor drive in your setup.

Carol Haynes:
The external Seagate drive I bought came with some other rubbish called Bounceback. Initially it looked quite useful and I upgraded to the 'professional' version but then I had all sorts of issues with the recovery system and I dumped it.

The idea was a 'one touch' backup system (ie. press the button on the drive once) - but what is the point when the recovery system doesn't work properly?

I think I read some months back you can download the driver then extract the .exe with winrar and inside you'll find trueimage, but I'm sure that was for Intel drivers. hmm I'll have a look.

Can't find the intel one, and also checked their ftp site for large downloads (aren't any).
Anyway, Seagate DiscWizard installs fine on my Maxtor HD. When you walk through the Image Backup Wizard one screen lists a link to get 40% off Acronis True Image! Now I'm confused what the difference is, but I thought I should mention it.

As an alternative I am currently trying DriveImage Xml, I've made images but I haven't restored from them yet.


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