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Why don't you pay for software?

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If you become a linux software developer does your body learn to convert air to food?

If you become a linux software developer does your body learn to convert air to food?
-Grorgy (May 23, 2007, 06:09 AM)
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it doesn't have to...

stupid ignorant prejudices...

There are no linux developers, so they don't have to worry about earning a living. Don't you know that all linux software is free and comes from magical software fairies? Don't pay any attention to the PayPal button on the website. It's just there to hold the website together. It's magical. If you remove it, the whole site falls apart.</sarcasm>

Well.. even on a forum like this where I wouldn't know how to make it easier to reward a developer, can you honestly live off the donations from people? I hope people could, but I can't imagine 1 person per hour donating..

I don't usually pay for software because there are too many frere/open-source programs that do exactly (and sometimes more) then the commercial alternatives. This comes to mind, mostly with graphic programs and VB.NET components for GUIs (I develop free software).



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