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Im sick and tired, and not taking it any more!?!

(1/2) > >>

Ok, that was a little melodramatic.  The issue is Firefox's apparent inability to automatically resize imbedded images (like when posted on forums and such). So huuuge images don't get resized.  IE also has the same problem.  I can post an example if you don't get me.

Question is, is there an add-on for firefox to address this issue?

Resizing only work on single images not pages. Anyway, try look around at May be some take care of vbb etc. claims to do so but I could not get it to work on a vbb forum. 

[fanboy] Or... you could just use Opera, and enable 'fit to width' which will resize all text and images to a width specified by you. [/fanboy]

Edit - Don't think it's what you are looking for, but I'll leave it here anyway

What about this one?

Actually it is just what he wanted. Install Image Zoom 0.3, restart - then go to about:config and type in imagezoom. Locate "imagezoom.autofitlargeimage" and make it true, doubleclick. Restart. Test page/image I tried previously does not break anything. Default is manual autofit, right-left click - dont know why this setting in hidden.


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