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DVD playback software

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The other night trying to play a dvd in the hotel room I was almost at the ranting level... It shouldn't be possible to get a computer with an OS and a dvd drive that cannot just play DVDs, not at the price we pay for the stuff.
I tried just popping the DVD in, up comes windows media player, and up comes an error that i dont have the codec, with links to purchasable software from $9.99 to $29.99.
I also own jriver media center, which I love for audio, so I install that... but it seems it doesn't play DVDs without those same pay-for codecs
I download videolan, no luck, the k-... codec pack, no luck, a tool call al...something... Ah! DVD actually starts playing... no luck, can't do anything with the menu

At that point an hour has gone by and I am thoroughly annoyed, so I download a shareware tool (blaze) and that works. Too tired to watch the film though...

Things like this should be simple. The first people I will rant at are rock, who sold me a top end laptop with no DVD driver/player installed...

PS: when i first downloaded the demo of blaze dvd i thought it might be related to blaze media player, which has been around a long time, but it seems they just share the word.

That's because DVD codecs are licensed and must be purchased. Computer retailers would have to purchase them just like they have to purchase that copy of Windows they sell with the machine. You are purchasing a computer so you have to have an OS.

true, and if i had bought a £400 laptop i would have agreed. as it is, this is a £1500 laptop (ex vat) so they could throw something like this in so you are good to go. After all they install stupid things like a 3 month virus scanner and MS works and other crap... the OEM version of things like cyberlink costs only £4 or less!

Don't know what you're doing wrong, but I have no problems navigating the menus in Media Player Classic with K-Lite mega codec pack... :huh: I just choose Open DVD from File menu, and that's about it. I don't think I did anything special when I installed the software either

KMPlayer is quite popular among DC'ers.. there is a thread about the program here and here..


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