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Distance Check by Veign

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A fun little online application that calculates the distance between two zip codes.  The distance is calculated and general information about each zip code, a map for each zip code and approximate driving time is displayed.


Like most stuff I do its practice.  This one was practicing with Zip Codes and calculating zip codes that may fall within a certain radius of others.  The best way for me to practice is to make something and usually after its made I create a website out of it in case others find some use.

Distance Check:

More of my online applications:

As always, if you have an idea for something please let me know.

This just came up in my Google Alerts so I thought I would update it.  Distance Check went through a major upgrade so check it out.



Did you try typing in the town or city?  See the drop-down of suggestions with zip codes?

To be honest, I overlooked that on my first visit.
The drop-downs certainly make things more helpful (except for areas large enough to have multiple codes).


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