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Other Software > Developer's Corner

70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Coding


If you follow all the links, you will end up with a whole lot more than just 70.  :)

We’ve taken a close look at some of the most interesting and useful CSS tricks, tips, ideas, methods, techniques and coding solutions and listed them below. We also included some basic techniques you can probably use in every project you are developing, but which are hard to find once you need them.

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thanks for this, app.

Great site for tips...Gave me a few good suggestions I never thought of and/or never dealt with the scale that might need them.  Also validated most of my current coding practices.  In fact, there was only one practice they suggested against that I read that I am guilty of...too liberal use of <div> tags.  I don't like using them, but didn't know of any better way to use them.  Now I have a new resource.  :Thmbsup:

Another great site, especially for those who don't know how to use and code XHTML/CSS (together or separately), is  I still use it religiously for tag and attribute information because it is a simple, straight forward site for finding these details and showing how to use them if you get confused.

Thanks app, I will check this out.. need to brush up on my css.


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