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VMWare Workstation 6 released today!!

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VMWS has finally gone out of beta and is released today.  With this version, VMware's support for Windows Vista moves from "experimental" to mainstream.

Personally I am most looking forward to these new features:

* Debug applications in the guest OS, attach to a running process, and revert to a snapshot after the debug session has ended with Visual Studio and Eclipse integration
 (this one is a KILLER feature!!)
* Invoke any virtual machine command from scripts to automate repetitive tasks with VIX Automation API (QA loves this)
* Enable remote users to connect to virtual machines from VNC clients with built-in VNC support
 (Nice to have)


I didn't notice until now that vmware supports simulating a multimonitor environment (even on a pc with one monitor) -- this could be very useful for people wanting to test multimon setups.

No, just you mousey ;-)

Carol Haynes:
Ditto - how do you do it?

i didnt do anything i just right clicked on display properties today and bang -- three monitors were there, the two extra disabled until i enabled them.


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