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On Screen Status Display

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yeh it aint im asking for a program to display my volume when im changing it with my keyboard so its on top, but doesnt steal focus from games or other windows/programs

I haven't tested it extensively, but from memory this one should do what you're after...

3RVX is a skinnable volume controller and display that supports alpha-blended skins, cool fade effects, drive eject notification, and a lot more. It was originally developed to emulate the Mac OS X volume bezel on Windows, but has evolved to support more options and features.

let us know how 3RVX works for you FABZ and give us a little minireview if it does.

Failing that, there's a few more on this page...

yep that program works as i want it to, it doesnt seem to minimize full screen games either so thats the main thing i wanted. thx for that :D, ill report back if it starts having problems with games



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