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IDEA: Folder Monitor for Logging Work


HI there. Not sure if this would qualify as a coding snack, or if someone may know of something that does this already.

I have tried many different time logging apps, but they keep failing because I keep forgetting to press the go and stop buttons.

My work folder is split into subfolders for each client, so ideally, I'd love an app that starts the clock when I open (or create) a file within a folder (or one of it's subfolders/subsubfolder, etc), and stops the clock when I move onto something else, close the file, or the computer is idle for (x) minutes. If all this could be logged in a plain old text file, I'd be set. Maybe another option would be stopping the clock if a certain application becomes active (for me, that would be Firefox).

Is this possible? Has it been done already?

Should have done a more comprehensive search before posting. Just found a few posts about "Log Monitor", which appears to pretty much do what I want...

actually though, your idea suggests something very cool:

as you say one of the problem with auto time tracking is that sometimes you leave the computer or whatever and it doesnt accurately reflect what you are working on.

but perhaps if the log tool watched for CHANGED FILES, then that would be a real reflection of working..

Log Monitor is a cool little tool, and will do the job if nothing better comes along, but I've given it a little more thought, and this is how my ideal app would work...

Create a client record by selecting their folder and specifying their name.

The app then monitors this folder (and all it's subfolders) and logs the following actions...

File open - start clock
File loses focus - stop clock
Computer idle for (x) minutes - stop clock
File regains focus - start clock

So, in theory, if I have three client documents open at once, there will actually be three "clocks" active, but only one of them would be running (because only one window can ever be active at once).

As far as the logging is concerned, ideally there would be a separate log file for each client (stored in the clients folder by default). Whenever the clock is stopped, the system would log...

Name (& path) of file, Date, Start Time, End Time.

Another cool thing would be to have a "master log", which would be the same, with an added "Name of client" column. Ideally, this log would be easily transferable to Excel or Access for further querying as needed.

I would imagine that other people using this app would like to have an added option of file filters (excluding certain extensions, etc.). I Wouldn't use this function, but I'm sure others would.

To quote U2, I still haven't found what I'm looking for. However, I just came across this app-to-be-released that looks closer than anything else I've found thus far...

RescueTime is a web-based time management tool (currently in private alpha). We offer:

    * The ability to see exactly how you spend your time. No data entry, no effort-- Your time gets tracked down to the second without you having to actively track it.
    * Instant and easy time-management analytics. Instantly know how much time you’re spending on a particular application (like “Microsoft Word”) or a particular category (like “Communication”).
    * The ability to set time management goals (daily or weekly) and receive notification when you meet (or fail to meet) your goals.
    * Tools to see how you compare to other people in your industry.

Sounds promising...


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