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Favorite Sci-fi movies?

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My top favourites have been mentioned here many times so I'll just repeat my number one; Dune.

Now for one which hasn't been mentioned; 5th Element :) .

I used to consider myself a connoisseur of this genre, let's see what I can dig up...

First of all, kudos to those who already mentioned some faves...

* Forbidden Planet (classic, classic, classic...)
* Cherry 2000 (and I thought I was the only one who liked this one...)
* The Thing (I loved the original, and John Carpenter's version was the only horror flick TO THIS DAY that I had to turn my head at MORE THAN ONCE)
* Tron (classic, classic, classic)
Now, for my own faves, starting with classics...

* Night of the Living Dead (George Romero's classic, fer sure)
* It Came from Outer Space in 3D (1953, starring Russell Johnson!!)
* Plan 9 from Outer Space (starring a posthumous Bela Lugosi)
* Body Snatchers (original and remake were both great)
* Die, Monster Die! (Vincent Price, need I say more? Although it's not exactly sci-fi...)
now for the more modern stuff...

* Buckaroo Banzai (classic, classic, classic)
* Hardware (ditto)
* Brazil (...)
* I Come In Peace (Dolph Lundgren, the intergalactic drug dealer, the jugular slicing CD gun, etc.)
* Existenz (wtf...)
* Society (again, wtf...)
* Night of the Creeps (Teenage Zombies and Alien Turbo Slugs, yeah!)
* Brainstorm (Christopher Walken, need I say more?)
* Runaway (Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons in the same movie, need I say more? oh, and creepy poison robots, too...)
* Battle Beyond the Stars / Space Raiders (same starship models, same intergalactic space battles, two very different movies...)
* Space Hunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (wtf? Molly Ringwald?...)
* From Beyond (pink squishy elder gods from the nth dimension, oh my...)
That oughta hold ya fer a spell...

Oh god, noone mentioned War Games? :O

Btw, the Dune film by David Lynch should have resulted in Dave getting lynched. It's a disgrace and an insult to anybody who enjoyed the book... Sure, a few things have to be adapted for the widescreen, but Lynch goes out of his way to rape the book, exponentially worse than LOTR got raped in the theatrical version.

I rented out and have been watching the "special edition" video of Planet of the Apes (released 1968, screenplay by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling, based on the novel by Pierre Boulle) with my 12½ y/o daughter. She had asked me to recommend some good SF to watch, as she is studying the category of Science Fiction in her English class. (I also rented out THX1138.)
This was the first time I had watched POTA on a video - I had previously only seen it in movie theatres and TV reruns. As we watched, there was one point in the film where the three orang-utan judges cannot reconcile themselves to the remorseless logic of the unwanted proposition that the human - Taylor (actor Charlton Heston) - must have evolved on their own planet, if he had not come from space as he insisted he had done (and which latter was a proposition they absolutely rejected as being absurd).
I thought to myself "What the heck are they doing with their hands?" - they were balling up their hands and fumblingly putting them to their faces - whereupon at 1:11:50 my daughter suddenly exclaimed "Oh! It's the three monkeys!".
I do not recall ever having observed this deliberate little joke when I watched the film previously. Very droll. I see it's mentioned in IMDb.

Favorite Sci-fi movies?

Solaris and Stalker.


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