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If you plans to install Visual Studio ...

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Unless you've got .net beta on your system, installing this shouldn't be a problem though?
-TucknDar (March 13, 2007, 08:59 AM)
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To the best of my understanding of this not-understandable text from Microsoft, the important part is not if you have .NET 2.0, but if you ever have had an earlier version of Visual Studio, because then your version of .NET 2.0 would have been altered. So if you have the standard .NET 2.0 and never have had Visual Studio before, there should be no problem - I guess...

I have tried to install Visual studio without removing .net framework, and it just freezes the installation and is difficult to remove. I used Procexp  from Sysinternals to remove  the install screen and then still had to reboot.
Are you saying that visual studio will install a version of .net framework? I need .net to run some apps.

Hm, sounds weird - I haven't had any problems from not removing it.

I have tried to install Visual studio without removing .net framework, and it just freezes the installation and is difficult to remove. I used Procexp  from Sysinternals to remove  the install screen and then still had to reboot.
Are you saying that visual studio will install a version of .net framework? I need .net to run some apps.
-jacquesrober (March 13, 2007, 10:10 AM)
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Get the latest downloads for Windows Vista, .NET Framework 3.0, and Windows SDK.

Product Notes:
Windows Vista

The final version of Windows Vista is now available to MSDN Subscribers (Operating System level or higher) soon. Visit MSDN Subscriptions to download Windows Vista as soon as it's available. (Read information on purchasing an MSDN Subscription.)

Visual Studio 2005:
Download the Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite 180-Day Trial. For other versions, including the express download, visit the Visual Studio 2005 Express home page.

NET Framework 3.0
With the exception of Windows Vista (which by default includes the .NET Framework 3.0), all operating systems require you to install the .NET Framework 3.0 in order to run and develop managed applications. Some sample tools included in the Windows SDK also require you to install the .NET Framework 3.0.-Microsoft
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So i'll guess you have to update to .NET 3.0 - only I thought 3.0 was Vista only..??

I am now certain that all the fuzz only was about the need for .NET 3.0

Its most strange that Microsoft can't figure out to just tell it - if you wanna drive Visual Studio you'll need to upgrade .NET Framework to version 3.0 - thats not hard to tell, is it? Maybe its because Visual Studio (and the quoted article) is older than .NET 3.0, so it would alter version 2.0 and make it unsuitable for upgrading to 3.0 - that must be it.

f0dder; will you check if your .NET is version 3.0 please ?


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