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IRC Chat - plus new web-based java interface from forum

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Behold! The Zealot Speaketh unto Thee
So it's about time I mentioned XChat. This multiplatform irc client is free (yes even the windows version is free!), and supports many scripting languages: last time I counted it was seven but it seems guile has been added, so that makes eight supported scripting languages! Mirc-Scripts are not supported at all, but you can choose from perl, python, javascript, tcl, ruby, lisp, guile, and C.

Now, if you want to "do instant messaging" as well, there is bitlbee which works with every irc client. It functions as a gateway between irc and IM. Bitlbee has been working reliably for over four years here.

If you want a little minimalism I believe xchat+bitlbee make a very good combination: bitlbee has no gui at all; xchat's interface can be reduced to the bare chat necessities. I have attached an example screenshot of how it could look.

On the other hand, if you prefer all sorts of gui widgets and stuff, xchat can do that as well; I don't have a screenshot as proof though...

Behold! The Zealot Speaketh unto Thee
So it's about time I mentioned XChat.-housetier (April 04, 2006, 10:17 PM)
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Too bad it looks as depressing as mIRC :D

I hope to see some new faces... er, names... in the channel!

BTW, my client is always connected, so if it seems like I'm ignoring you, I'm probably away from my computer.


                 Ok will try to join. I hope that i am enjoy to your company.

Truth be told, I have switched to irssi in order to achieve my mouse-less desktop environment. It runs off the shell account my club provides its members, which makes dealing with bots a little easier.

Still, XChat is a good program and I miss some of its features: scripting in python for example...


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