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common router firewall outbound settings?

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like you say, if it's a false sense of security, then why bother.

i'm going to see how long i can run this current setup before something really bad happens like a major infection or my credit card details are stolen - i use roboform for all that kind of thing so i'm assuming it's safe enough.

Just keep in mind that RoboForm, unless it does something really unique, is still vulnerable to keylogging etc., so you do want to have some decent antivirus and check for spyware every now and then.

I currently run without any AV software... might be a bit stupid even though I don't really visit any "shady" sites; all it takes is one firefox exploit placed somewhere that gets through AdBlock, and *b00m*.

A firewall is really not going to stop any outbound traffic.  If you are curious in what programs try to connect out or catching them when they do, software is the only way.

A hardware router firewall can be useful as people said above, to protect you from a "Denial of Service" type flooding attack perhaps (but no individuals get that), and can protect you from some incoming stuff - but it's just not the stuff that an individual is normally at risk from.  The built in firewalls in routers really seem to be for functions that are almost entirely different from a software firewall.

i understand that when typing the information into roboform when setting it up could obviously be monitored by a keylogger, but i'm hoping that when it pastes the information into a page for you that a keylogger won't catch that. i don't know how these kinds of things work. wishful thinking on my part i guess.

i understand that when typing the information into roboform when setting it up could obviously be monitored by a keylogger, but i'm hoping that when it pastes the information into a page for you that a keylogger won't catch that. i don't know how these kinds of things work. wishful thinking on my part i guess.
-nudone (January 22, 2007, 04:59 AM)
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Probably does a SetWindowText/sends a WM_SETTEXT message - I dunno how it would do it otherwise. Would be pretty trivial to do a hook that intercepts those... a bit less trivial to filter only the interesting messages out and avoid getting flooded (there's a LOT of WM_SETTEXT going on :)), but still pretty doable.

So if you're trojanized, you're screwed. But that's really goes without saying, imho.


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