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wanted: quiet external HD (case) (not wanted: crying children)

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You know how quickly little children can fill their eyes with tears?

wanted: quiet external HD (case) (not wanted: crying children)

My HD is not filling as quickly but now it's full. I don't want to burn what's on it and thus need an external HD. Since there seem to be 2602960123 different models available, I need your help.

What model would accompany my quiet PC ( perfectly? Price is important, but silence too.

I still own a HD (with just a few dozen GB) in a bad case - I suppose it's possible to use that and the new one simultaneously, both using USB?

i don't know about quiet but carol bought a nice that uses slots that i like - in which cas you would put your own hard drive inside it - and would buy yourself a quiet drive (vs one of those super fast noisy ones).

in general it seems to me that my external hard drives are quieter than any drives in my pc - not sure why.

i don't know about quiet but carol bought a nice that uses slots that i like - in which cas you would put your own hard drive inside it - and would buy yourself a quiet drive (vs one of those super fast noisy ones).
-mouser (January 18, 2007, 07:33 AM)
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Aaah, that's a solution I completely forgot about! Are there IDE-based-solutions that are hot-swappable now?

in general it seems to me that my external hard drives are quieter than any drives in my pc - not sure why.
-mouser (January 18, 2007, 07:33 AM)
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I can't second that, my Samsung SpinPoint drives were always very quiet.

I have used several external HDDs (Maxtor, Western Digital etc.), but my favorite is a small-sized 100 Gb Seagate (Model ST90000U2).  It uses a USB connector and is *very* quiet.


I'd buy an IDE/SATA enclosure that plugs in via USB. That will allow you to use any drive as "hot-swappable."


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