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Special Preview & Beta Test !!!

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Thank you for trying it out and giving me valuable feedback.  :beerchug:

You were right. That was a bomb that you released and was undetonated when you died. That is a known bug.

We are constantly tweaking things. As it is now, releasing a bomb costs you 1 point. So by doing a rapid release of random bombs, you will kill your score.

I do think I'll add a delay in release bombs though. Maybe a bomb bay can hold only five bombs at a time. Any bombs in the bomb bay are available for immediate release. IOW release, detonate, release, detonate, release, detonate, release, detonate, release, detonate. But it takes a second or more reload each of the five stations. So if you shoot off five in a row, quickly, there is a delay as it reloads them. I'll add that and see how it plays out.  :feedback:

Thanks for the ideas. I'll PM you when I have a build that adds the stuff you suggested.  :Thmbsup:


 8) Thanks for playing!

In the current build, as you destroy asteroids they respawn. You get to play until all your ships are dead.

But that isn't going to remain for long.  ;)

Today I will be adding "levels" to the game so that instead of one long level  :wallbash:, you will clear one level and move to the next. Each getting more difficult. 

its so damn hard to keep from spinning out of control..
maybe some high friction would help?
-mouser (December 22, 2006, 11:41 PM)
--- End quote ---
We might add some friction for those less, err,  arcade-inclined.  :P

James Sterrett:
its so damn hard to keep from spinning out of control..
maybe some high friction would help?
-mouser (December 22, 2006, 11:41 PM)
--- End quote ---

It seems to me - the documentation guy for AoO - that you don't entirely "get it" - which is my problem, not yours, because it's my job to help people "get it".  (Tinjaw just does that coding stuff.   ;)  )

So I'm curious how I can improve:

Section 1:

Assumption in Section 1:  Controlling the ship is the major challenge of the game, followed by getting the bombs on target on rocks.  :)   

- Did you read the readme?  If so, was it clear?   (If not, where not?  What was missing?)  Should it have included a Tips section on controlling the ship?

- Would Tips on startup be useful? 

- Would an easier mode earlier on (easier to kill the asteroids) be a good thing?

- Would you want to be able to select your initial rate of spin?  (A planned feature.  :)  )

- Should the documentation, or startup tips, spend more time pointing out this is intended to be a vector-driven game and explaining the implications of this?  (I assumed everybody remembers Asteroids...  not necessarily a valid assumption!)

Section 2 (Adding Friction) :

Can you be clearer on what you want in terms of "friction" - the ship slowly slowing down, the rate of spin changing, ???

How fast should this change take place?

Should friction affect the rocks and bombs as well?

Apologies if this is not a fair question for you to answer for a contest submission....

i encourage everyone entering to get feedback and suggestions before final judgement.

my suggestion about friction was relating to ship movement not rotation.  so you wouldnt keep drifting, just a bit.

as far as being able to choose options.. nah i think you should just set it.. though it might be interesting to have a series of levels where each level had different settings..


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