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Need help with Google Talk!

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My brother has a problem where when I type URLs in the IM window they don't turn into hyperlinks in his GTalk. Anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this? He has uninstalled and reinstalled the latest versions.

Also, does anyone know how to change the default directory for saving GTalk received files? They can't add all these features without having options for them!

There is only 2 reasons why I even run GTalk:

1. I have friends that use it from GMail because they can't use anything else at work/school.

2. The built in GMail notifier.

But personally I think it's crude, buggy, and seriously lacking in many areas as a chat client. (not to mention that the taskbar button flashing drives me nuts!)

actually other programs are running well and after several re-installs. i've decided to configure Miranda for Google Talk, eventhough i had to forego the PC-to-PC phone.. :(
-lanux128 (October 17, 2006, 12:19 AM)
--- End quote ---

There are many other better messenger applications/networks that can do voice chat.

AIM has had the ability to do it for many years. Yahoo can do it too, as well as MSN. And I think there are others.

The three I mentioned also support webcams.

And if you just want pc to pc phone, try Skype or Glophone. Both are free to use to call other members. They don't cost anything unless you are going to use them for calls between pc & land lines.

thanks for the info, app but i already use Skype. my reason for using Google talk is same as yours, due to restrictive policies.. >:(

anyway, it looks like Google's chat program is riding on Jabber's protocol since i configured miranda's Jabber.dll to pass as GTalk.dll. :)

I like the simplicity of Gtalk. I don't need all that extra garbage found in MSN, Y!IM, or AIM. They've been slowly adding features, which is making me wary, but as of now it still has minimal bloat and it isn't all cluttered (wasted screen space!!!!) and complicated like the other IM clients.

Also, it lets me know when I am disconnected, unlike MSN which will let me keep typing for however long I do before I wonder why the person I'm talking to isn't responding.

AND, perhaps the most important, switching to Gtalk from MSN let me clear my contacts list from all those people I stopped talking to (or wanted to stop talking to) years ago without having to feel guilty of removing them and/or blocking them.  :Thmbsup:

I couldn' t agree more. I don't like all the extra stuff clutering up my IMing... I like the clean Gtalk that lets me send files and call people. Gtalk does what it needs to do, imho, nothing more, and nothing less. :Thmbsup:


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