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non-automatic save - comments?


Abterix has been asking for years for me to add non-automatic saving to screenshot captor.. i added it in the last version and haven't heard a beep!!

Abterix  :mad:

Maybe everyone is using the new popup dialog now, which kinda has the same effect?

Incidentally, it might be good to have the "Keep Image and Show" button on the popup respect the "Don't Auto Save Captures" preference. I know the "keep" part of the name probably suggests that a save will happen, but I often want to go into the main window without saving the image, mainly to see it a bit better (although the filtering suggestion I mention in another thread might remove my need to do that as much).

Incidentally, it might be good to have the "Keep Image and Show" button on the popup respect the "Don't Auto Save Captures" preference.
--- End quote ---

good idea, will do.

Sorry, excuse me. Your rapid release overtakes my beta test.
I had no real time to test this feature as i had no need to take screen shots last week. (i test productively while doing documentation work)
And now i take my capture also.

First test works fine, no disturbing dealy on saving, no refresh of the thumpnails  :Thmbsup:
Of course we must take care of our shots, because the are overwriten on the next shot (note people: this is optional!)
But i have seen we can use UNDO to go back to the last shot, as long as they are in memory, that's fine.

When i am back to work i will test more.
Thank you for your work.


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