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Copy to clipboard option?


Any chance MiniCap could gain an option to copy the resulting image to the clipboard?

this is posted in wrong section but yes i will add this to minicap.
you might want to check out the new quick popup capture in screenshot captor, it has it already.

this is posted in wrong section-mouser (September 15, 2006, 01:33 AM)
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Believe it or not, this forum is the target of the "Discuss Now" link on the MiniCap page...

but yes i will add this to minicap.-mouser (September 15, 2006, 01:33 AM)
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you might want to check out the new quick popup capture in screenshot captor, it has it already.
-mouser (September 15, 2006, 01:33 AM)
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After I realized MiniCap didn't have that option, I grabbed the latest beta of ScreenshotCaptor and was very pleasantly surprised to see the new post-capture dialog. I have a comment on that too, but I'll post it in the right forum, OK?  ;)

- Kevin

Believe it or not, this forum is the target of the "Discuss Now" link on the MiniCap page...
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 :-[ fixed now, thanks  :up:


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