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News and Reviews > Best Text Editor

Please correct EmEditor review

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I am an author of EmEditor.  I just came across to the Best Text Editor site, and the EmEditor review, but unfortunately EmEditor was not correctly reviewed, and I was very disappointed by that.

EmEditor does support Column Mode. It is called Block selection by EmEditor.  You can select block text by using mouse while pressing ALT or start using CTRL + SHIFT + F8. 

Code Folding is now supported by EmEditor Professional v6.  It is called Outline by EmEditor.

Macros is powerful, and it now supports not only Javascript/VBScript but also PerlScript, PHPScript, Python and any other ActiveScripts available.  Please let me know how the documentation is lacking.  These script languages are very popular and standard, and widely used by many people, so learning these languages should be easier.

User Tools: You can capture Standard Output of user defined external tools. 

I believe EmEditor is a best text editor.  It completely supports Unicode, and it is a very fast text editor.  It has a powerful tab features.  It is very stable.  It is extendable by using plug-ins.  It supports powerful macros, and supports many more features!

If you have not tried recent versions of EmEditor, you should try EmEditor Professional , and you can download from the EmEditor web site  It is a top rated developer software and text editor by CNet

Please also change the title of the software to EmEditor Professional from just EmEditor.

Thank you.

Yutaka Emura
Developer of EmEditor

Welcome to the site Yutaka, we very much welcome software authors on this site, and I think I speak for most of us when I say that everyone has different needs and different tastes, and just because a reviewer liked one program best doesn't mean everyone else will agree.  The best thing for anyone is to try the different programs and decide for themselves.

I am happy to make the corrections+additions you have suggested; they will be up tonight.

ps. The text editor review in question probably needs an update very soon

I agree. I chose Emeditor Pro, and it's really good and he's responsive to support. Thanks and welcome, Mr Yutaka

I've updated the review and added a link back to this thread.
In the future we will endeavor to offer all authors the chance to comment on their product and link to their comments - i think it will make for a better review.  :up:

Perry Mowbray:
In the future we will endeavor to offer all authors the chance to comment on their product and link to their comments - i think it will make for a better review.  :up:
-mouser (September 08, 2006, 12:52 AM)
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It may also be an idea to offer it pre-posting?? Some of these "language" issues would have been picked up then.

- Perry


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