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News and Reviews > Best Text Editor

Please correct EmEditor review

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Thank you for correcting the EmEditor Professional description.  However, I would like to ask you to re-exam the speed, which you mentioned 1.5s/2.5s.  EmEditor is actually popular because of its lightweight design.  I have tried to optimize the startup time every time I release the upgrade, and the startup time should be less than 1 second in most environments.  In Version 6.00 or later, there is a new option called EmEditor Quick Start, and you can find it from the Tools menu, Customize, and then Shortcut tab.  By checking this option, the EmEditor window will start even faster, and it will launch usually in less than 0.5 seconds.  This is possible because a hidden EmEditor window will be launched as soon as the EmEditor tray icon is launched.  When a user starts EmEditor, the hidden EmEditor window will be switched to the visible state, and it looks that EmEditor launches quickly.  This option is not turned on by default, so a user should turn on this option if he or she cares the speed most.  Even without this option, however, EmEditor does not use commercial libraries such as Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), thus it is optimized very well especially for the startup time.  You can find that the size of the core program "emeditor.exe" is only 527KB at this writing, which should explain how light-weighted it is.

I am also eager to see other features that EmEditor is good at, such as Unicode.  The Unicode support is a must for anyone who uses international languages.  Most text editors claim they support Unicode (UTF-8 and UTF-16), but the reality is they only convert Unicode to the system encoding (or ANSI) internally when they open files, so they cannot actually edit characters that are not supported by the system encoding.  For instance, most text editors cannot actually edit Shift-JIS (Japanese) encoding on English Windows.  Most text editors cannot even open Unicode file names.  I know because I tested them!

Maybe that is why EmEditor is a most popular text editor in international markets.  It is widely used by Japanese government and European Union organizations, and many international companies.

You can download the latest version of EmEditor Professional from

Yutaka Emura
The Developer of EmEditor

Looks like there is a typo in the update notice in the review:
"UPDATED 09/07/05
Updated EmEditor Pro."
mouser, you probably meant "09/07/06".

every day i prove more and more that i need a professional typo corrector by my side at all times  :P

thank you for the correction - it's fixed now.

Suggestion: Either use YYYY-MM-DD format, or switch to a completely unambiguous DD-mmm-YYYY format (ie, something like "15. October 2006").

If you are talking about Time/Date command on the Edit menu (or F5 key), the format used is determined by the Windows system. You can choose whatever format you would like by going to Regional Settings in Control Panel, Date/Time short format.

[EDIT] Sorry. I found it was about this web site. I thought it was EmEditor command.  :)


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