ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > The Getting Organized Experiment of 2006


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Here are some labelers:

Specifically, I think the author of GTD is suggesting something to print out professional looking thin labels that you could put on a folder for example, like this one will:

He makes a big point that having a labeler which can produce professional looking labels makes a real difference over handwritten or printer generated labels.. i guess in terms of the look and the effort..  I think if you are going to use a folder based approach, this is something perhaps worth buying.

I'm with nudone on this one. I WANT to get better, really I do, but I can barely get organized to find a spot on my desk for a cup of coffee at the moment... I've actually got everything on the list, so the only thing I need to do is clean up my workspace  8)

I would add a timer - like Fly Lady's <a href="">timer</a>. This one is great - set it for 15 minutes (or 2 minutes) and - GO!

BTW - The new <a href="">GTD for Gmail</a> Firefox extension is FANTASTIC  - I just wish it would sync to my palm...

I am ready! got some notebooks, index cards, colored labels, a timer, and found my space.

Done here as well.

Bought some post-it notes, file folders, some spiral notebooks (useful for ripping pages with ideas out and putting them into the in-basket, some standard notebooks, index cards, a stapler, 10 binders and a physical in-basket. As for the workspace, I've cleared my desktop and its drawers, so the only thing residing in my space is my laptop, a coffeecup and a lamp.

Planning to buy a whiteboard later on with some pens and magnets, after reading a page about "The Work Wall": Sounds like a nice way to keep track of ongoing projects and deadlines, so it'll be easier to keep focus on the projects that needs it.

I'll be wating a bit with the calender. I already have one, but I've decided to wait to see if I should go with one of those who displays the whole week on two pages, or one of those who has a page for each day. Guess I'll consider this when I know how much of my ToDo list that doesn't belong in the calendar.

edit: typos


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