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NANY 2019: TextWorx - Universal Text Manipulator

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Congratulations all on a wonderful discussion.
The content is entirely beyond me, but still life enhancing to read.

haha - thanks, Dormouse.  Funny, the discussion wasn't really about TextWorx, though!

haha - thanks, Dormouse.  Funny, the discussion wasn't really about TextWorx, though!
-BGM (February 10, 2019, 05:10 PM)
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I thought it actually was about the program with few digressions.
I must have missed even more than I thought.

TextWorx is updated to version 1.3!

Ath - I've added your base64 encode string function.
Also, the other casing effects are added.

Ath - I've added your base64 encode string function.
-BGM (February 13, 2019, 10:48 AM)
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And it works like a charm, thanks :Thmbsup:


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