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Metaphysik II - another cool game web game


Crazy ball game where you have to get the ball into a certain area. Very hard, but very addictive.

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i made it half way through (to the reverse gravity stage). :o

Hi Everyone.  My name is Rover and I'm a flash junkie  :(

Damn, addictive is right! Once you start you just have to finish, especially after the first 20 levels or so. Played it through in one setting, not the greatest score (kept dying repeatedly, especially in the last few levels), but here it is:

1378 seconds
622 deaths
grade 0% (compared to creator's score of 581 seconds)

The trickiest thing is recovering your proper direction right after dying!

- Oshyan

Rats, I totally missed the score part.

You're right about the orientation after you die.  There was one level where you needed to go up and right almost immediately on start.  Talk about a lot of deaths!

At one point I needed a break so I just left it dying for 20 or 30. 

The one improvment that is really needed is a delay or keypress before restart.

I played it thru all at once too, just becuase I wanted to see what was next.  The last 25 levels are a little bizare.


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