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News and Reviews > Best E-mail Client

The Bat! - annoying word wrap

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The Bat is a great e-mail client in lots of ways, but there is one thing that has annoyed me like hell for a long time, the word wrap feature.
Let me give you an example. Lets say I write a couple of sentences (due to extreme lack of imagination I have copied some parts of mousers latest newsletter).

We've just added a big new feature to the website that we
are really excited about and proud of, called Best Of Blog. 
It's designed for the casual reader; a daily blog highlighting
the best and most interesting threads on the forum every day.

--- End quote ---

Word wrap will kick in after 70 chars or so by default. The annoying thing is that if I want to change something in a sentence word wrapping does not make the words "flow" onto the next line like one would expect, instead the line gets longer until I press space somewhere somewhere at the end of it.

Below I have added some words to show the problem.

We've just added a big super cool new feature to the already magnificent website that we
are really excited about and proud of, called Best Of Blog. 
It's designed for the casual reader; a daily blog highlighting
the best and most interesting threads on the forum every day.

--- End quote ---

..and when I enter a space after "magificent" it becomes

We've just added a big super cool new feature to the already
magnificent website that we
are really excited about and proud of, called Best Of Blog. 
It's designed for the casual reader; a daily blog highlighting
the best and most interesting threads on the forum every day.

--- End quote ---

This annoys me a lot and causes some manual editing to get the text neatly aligned.

Does anyone have a solution for this problem? I have been searching the net and changed setting but failed to come up with any solution to the problem so far.

until you mentioned this it didn't rise much to my consciousness but i have to agree this is really annoying and i have to manually align stuff constantly.

you could use clipboard help+spell and add a text modifier preset to wordwrap at desired length, so that its available from the hotkey popup in clipboard help and spell, but it's still very annoying.  it would be nice if they could fix this.

I think you will find the official response here...

I just happened to come accross it last night.


F*ing brilliant!
AMPA you rock.  Credits coming your way (i tried to find solution on web site and couldnt).

thebat -> you rock also.

dc forum -> you rock also.

Just to save people a visit or in case the website goes down, here is what that page says:

The lines don't automatically wrap to keep the paragraph formatted, when words added or deleted
Place your cursor somewhere inside the paragraph and press <Alt+L>, <Alt+C>, <Alt+R>, <Alt+J> for Left Align, Centered, Right Align, Justified respectively. If you place the cursor inside the paragraph with the mouse, you must hit one of the arrow keys at least once to get the whole paragraph to reformat, otherwise it will only format the single line in which your cursor was positioned. 
--- End quote ---

works quite well actually.


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