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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

Template for users wishing to write a mini-review

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I think the template is great as it is now, it gives reviewers something to go by. However, if it gets much larger it will be intimidating ;) IIRC this is for a mini-review only. I really like the idea of a template though, its great and it absolutely will be a great help hmm so what's more... a yes a couple of screenshots. Oh and the URL of course!
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I hope this will encourage many users to write mini-reviews. I see this more of a guideline than minimum set of requirements that have to be fulfilled. Thanks a lot for your hard work, Josh!

Well, if there are no objections, I will update the post to include a text file with all of the code so that it can be copy/pasted and then edited to suit the needs of the reviewer. I will give this a few days and then if no other suggestions, I will post it.

it might be nice to have a somewhat tighter spacing and perhaps some indenting after the section headers.. maybe i can whip up a custom bbcode thing for it.

when the template is ready i will add it as one of the Preset Text template items in the dropdown field in the post form, so everyone can use it very easily.

Yea, it just got complicated. Most of the "research" info — supported OS's, versions, test system specs?!, donation links, screencasts, etc. — is redundant to the program's website, and while helpful, I don't see the need to replicate all of that minutia in a "mini-review." If the review lures you to know more about the software, then dig into its website. No other review online does that, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think this will discourage many casual or even impulsively enthusiastic reviews.

Also, are we leaving room for flexibility, or are we going for uniformity throughout all mini-reviews?

i think the mini reviews dont have to be so strict - the template is reallly useful as a starting point, but writers can deviate.  i think we want to keep the idea that it should be easy to whip up a mini review without much stress. so it can be as little as a picture with 1 paragraph of opinion.  at least thats my 2 cents.


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