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Furry Friends

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My wife thinks you must be dim to not have seen that coming  ;D


My wife thinks you must be dim to not have seen that coming  ;D
-Rover (July 25, 2006, 09:46 PM)
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If I was a perv and had tickled his nether regions, then it should've been expected. But his damn chest? O_o. And he didn't behave oddly, just purred like cats always do when you tickle them. At least with a dog it would've been humping my leg or something. Cats are psychos.

Speaking of psycho cats...
BAD Kitties! BAD!

by the way, that was  a pretty bad pun :-[

mine are both better that all of them.  :P
-Rover (July 25, 2006, 09:37 AM)
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I believe it when I SEE it. Post some pictures please!  ;)
-housetier (July 25, 2006, 09:46 AM)
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You're gonna be sorry you asked :)

The black cat is Alley, he is about 18 months old.
The grey cat is Kitty, she is about 3.5 years old.

He is stupid, timmid and very cute.
She is smart, agressive and thinks she is a queen.  She has been known to bite kids and draw blood.

Ah, those are some gorgeous cats. I have three, down from seven over the past five years. Here's a little fellow I found on Flickr.


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