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Looking for an image viewer that...

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I'm looking for an image viewer that, when an image is clicked, ...
a) will start in full-screen mode (or at least gives the image most of the screen)
b) will auto-resize the image to fit the screen
c) has no performance problem with a huge image folder
[d) an option to rename the currently displayed image would be a plus]

Normally, I'm quite happy with Faststone image viewer, but that only takes care of a) and b) [and d)] - it's a bit slow when it comes to images in a huge folder.

ExifPro ticks all those boxes here.
I see it has gone open-source --
I dont see any straight-forward download for windows there though (?)

Sounds like irfanview would fit the bill too, though i dont know about the renaming part.

Sounds like irfanview would fit the bill too, though i dont know about the renaming part.-mouser (December 13, 2017, 06:58 AM)
--- End quote ---

In IrfanView, press F2 to rename the displayed image.

I still use Picasa, it's my fav


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