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NANY 2018 Release: cnpaperplay - Codenames /Codenames Duet Play on Paper Clone

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I translated the English word list, combined it with the list from tomos (deleting duplicates), and added and removed some words on my own discretion. Find the list with 729 German words attached.

I am in the process of translating the text on the duet html page.
One rule question: why is there a "mistake track", shouldn't the time track be enough? And why the rule to tick an additonal time box, if no mistake boxes remain? I also own the boardgame and I read the rules as follows: if you pass, turn over a time token. if you guess wrong, put a time token on a word tile.
-> in both cases 1 turn token is spent.

So the only difference between passing and guessing wrong is that you don't run the risk of hitting a black word by passing.
Maybe I am missing something, I haven't played using your booklets yet.

One rule question: why is there a "mistake track", shouldn't the time track be enough? And why the rule to tick an additonal time box, if no mistake boxes remain? I also own the boardgame and I read the rules as follows: if you pass, turn over a time token. if you guess wrong, put a time token on a word tile.  -> in both cases 1 turn token is spent.
--- End quote ---

In the original game, you can play different missions (difficulty levels) that simply tell you how many turns and mistakes you are allowed to make.  The less turns allowed, and the less mistakes allowed, the more challenging the game.

While the scripts can be used to print out books with different numbers of these, players could also simply agree how many turns and mistakes they are allowed for a given game.

But I decided to add something, by introducing a scoring mechanism.  In this way, you are penalized in your score for making more mistakes.
The new score instructions from the intro.html page say:

--- ---Scoring: +2 points per target found, +10 per unused turn, -5 per mistake, -10 if sudden death.  Games ended by a black word score differently: -10 points for each unused turn, mistake, and unfound target.  Penalize illegal clues by ticking an extra turn and mistake checkbox.

The scoring is the one way the paper version "differs" from the original box. (That and I obviously removed a lot of explanation in order to get the rules to fit on one page, so players will have to figure out some details).

So turn track and mistake track are important to help you calculate your score. IF you care about score.. For most of us just winning and losing is fine.

Personally I find the paper version significantly more enjoyable and practical, and the scoring adds a fun way to compare your score against other couples and to strive for a high score.

It also lets you compute a score even if you "lose" -- though it will be bad and can easily go negative :)

ps. The python scripts support lots of options for creating games with different numbers of words, turns, allowed mistakes, number of each color, etc.  So if codenames is too easy/hard for you you could experiment with alternative games.

Oh, right I see - I ignored the missions when I first got the game and then forgot about them.

I think this rule
with the restriction that the maximum number of guesses on a given turn are the number specified by the clue giver plus one.
--- End quote ---
applies only to the team vs. team variant. At least in my German rulebook for Duet it says "as long as your partner guesses successfully, he may continue" and I don't see anything about having to stop after +1 guesses.

At least in my German rulebook for Duet it says "as long as your partner guesses successfully, he may continue" and I don't see anything about having to stop after +1 guesses.
--- End quote ---

This is definitely NOT right, at least in the english rules.  It's such a core mechanic I can't imagine it's not the same in your german rules.
You are always restricted to guessing at most +1 extra word than the cluegiver said.

The only exception to this is at the end of the game in sudden death mode, where you can continue guessing until you make a mistake and there are no more clues allowed.

I just read the english rules again and I was *WRONG*!!! The rules do in fact say you can make unlimited guesses.  You were right.

Yikes! I've been playing it wrong then!!!!  Thanks for enlightening me...
Hmm now I am in a quandry.. I don't like the rule change from Codenames base game.  I prefer it the old way.
I suppose with the new sudden-death end-game rule, it doesn't make that much of a difference if you can guess unlimited words in mid-game or at the end.
Still, I prefer the rule that you can't guess more than 1 beyond the number said by the clue giver.  So I would like to keep the rule in the print and play version.

I think maybe the print and play version needs some extra info on the last page of the book describing the differences between this version and the original; it can mention this rule and the scoring mechanic.

PDF rulebook on line:

I translated and attached the Duet pages. German words are generally longer and I added a sentence explaning what the number in the clue means. So I used more space, but the rules still fit on one page for me (A4 paper size).
Please tell me if everything is all right, and if so: can you please generate German booklets?

Re: +1 rule.
Well, maybe you know this saying "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
I think this one rule could be taken away in Duet :-) Also considering the constrained space of the rules manual.


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