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NANY 2018 Mug/T-Shirt Design Competition

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^ proving me wrong there :Thmbsup: both look great, I'd favour the smaller bullets
-tomos (January 04, 2018, 12:19 PM)
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My 2ct: I prefer the design with the all lowercase name, and the dash-shaped bullets, like tomos showed above in reply #39 (On a round mug the round bullets I'd expect to look weird) If they have to be round, then the smaller size bullets seems the best alternative to me.

Perhaps even New Apps, New Year.  But my issues with it die with just the addition of the bullets.

It's nice to finally see some more art in this thread. :Thmbsup: And nicer to see the collaboration of people helping make improvements. :-*

Admittedly this competition didn't get as much attention or entries as we had hoped, but mouser and I are discussing how to wrap things up so we can have a finalized alternative design for this year's NANY rewards.

I appreciate the designs by ewemoa (which was beautiful) and oblivion, but for me hamradio's would be the one I would choose for our alternate mug design..
I'd still like to see ewemoa's style used to make a mug (nany or otherwise), but it seems to me hamradio's is the one that is ready to go and would be the best option.


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