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Getting footer when printing with chrome


I'm getting a footer when print from Screenshot Captor in Chrome. There is Chrome info after I print an image. I just started seeing this a few weeks ago. I can't find any setting in SC or Chrome to get rid of it. Looks like this:

8/30/2016 , 9:49:40 AM
Chrome Legacy Window - XYZ index - Google Chrome

Go to the Print Options tab in Screenshot captor and uncheck the checkbox for "Add automatic caption to every printed image".

Thanks. Worked great. I was looking for options on my printer or chrome. Didn't think to look for options on SC.

Love SC. This program should be on every computer in the world. The best and most useful utility ever. Good job guys and I'm pretty sure I donated, if I didn't let me know and I will. In fact I think I will do it again anyway.

Thank you so much for those kind words, and for donating -- posts like this make my day  :-*


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