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Screenshot Captor has OCR?

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Ath: is a pretty cool freeware tool.
-kunkel321 (July 06, 2016, 10:14 PM)
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That is an awesome tool indeed! :Thmbsup:

Out of interest, I briefly trialled Capture2Text when it was v3.7, in 2015.
My notes are that it was quite good, though it was a bit kludgy with all those hotkeys, and the OCR was not always as accurate as I would have liked (by comparison with other similar tools).
Having said that, I would probably have considered using it on an ongoing basis from that point onwards, if I could get it working nicely and if I hadn't already got the ABBY tool (which is remarkably good - very accurate).

ceebu: is a pretty cool freeware tool.
-kunkel321 (July 06, 2016, 10:14 PM)
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That is an awesome tool indeed! :Thmbsup:
-Ath (July 07, 2016, 02:02 AM)
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And the CLI version makes is extremely easy to plugin to screenshot captor - I have it setup using the "Post capture options" & "external tools" options in SC- and I can pretty much create a "one click" workflow to extract text from screenshots !! (new ones and old..)

kunkel321: is a pretty cool freeware tool.
-kunkel321 (July 06, 2016, 10:14 PM)
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That is an awesome tool indeed! :Thmbsup:
-Ath (July 07, 2016, 02:02 AM)
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And the CLI version makes is extremely easy to plugin to screenshot captor - I have it setup using the "Post capture options" & "external tools" options in SC- and I can pretty much create a "one click" workflow to extract text from screenshots !! (new ones and old..)

-ceebu (August 20, 2020, 05:02 AM)
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Hi Ceebu, I saw your reply here and I'm wondering if you'd share your setup for sending screenshots from SSC to C2T...  I'm running both apps... I might as well have them setup like yours. 

EDIT:  It took a few tries but I think I got it working.  Setting it up as in the screenshot OCRs the text from the screenshot and sends it to the windows clipboard.

Screenshot Captor has OCR?

Not sure if I'm even using the sctools feature as Mouse had intended...  But my tools all seem to work as expected.

Hmm... Attached image doesn't seem to be working, so here

EDIT AGAIN..  The screenshot doesn't show it, but this is the normal exe file

--- Code: Text ---C:\PortableApps\Capture2Text642\Capture2Text.exenot the Capture2Text_CLI.exe one. 
Here's the param box:

--- Code: Text -----image "%file%" --clipboard
Also note, I'm using the portable version of Cap2Text as well as the portable version of ScreenshotCapture.


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