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Does this exist and if not can someone write it up?

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It's Like a piece of  carbon paper stuck to my shoe>  Perfect!       I hate the pool-table green color but I bet that can be changed.  This is as close as I can imagine anything being to exactly what I described.
-questorfla (June 30, 2016, 10:18 PM)
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Happy that you found it useful.

You can change the background color by clicking on M (menu) and selecting Interface tab, see screen shot.
Does this exist and if not can someone write it up?



JC&MB Quicknote and enable "Focusless input".
-anandcoral (June 30, 2016, 04:30 AM)
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I tried this one, but it seems to (sometimes) inhibit the copy/paste feature in Office/Outlook, while I was using the 'Focusless input' feature :o Disabled the tool for now.


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