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svchost /k netsvcs [Problem on Win.7]

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so, are you not updating windows at all?
-tomos (July 13, 2016, 04:28 PM)
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That is correct.   No more windows (Win 7) updates.


Okay, a solution for Windows 7 X64 which has worked for two machines:
Install KB3161608

Listed with direct links under "Alternative Fix (June 2016)"
at this superuser post (via superuser link above):

Took a while on the older machine, but both machines found downloads and were able to successfully download and install (I didnt do all updates in one go FWIW)

my problem was not only very high CPU usage, but also inability to find *any* updates

Thanks for posting that link -- I've had this ongoing update problem with a few computers, going to try these fixes.

Thanks for the link.

I downloaded KB3161608 and installed it.

Windows Update then told me I had 22 Important updates (186 MB).

Updates have been downloaded and installed.

So far, all is going OK.  .......   CPU stayed at 100% for a time, but now has settled to my "old" usage pattern.

...... we'll see....



Is there any other way to check for (windows) updates?
I did find this method, but think it's a bit over my head:
-tomos (July 13, 2016, 09:29 AM)
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and this appears to be a solution for updating a windows machine without using winupdate:

[disclaimer -- havent tried it -- got link via last supseruser link]


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