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IDEA: Mouse Squeaker

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If anyone could create a tiny program that makes a programmable wav sound on mouse events like left mouse button down, right mouse button down, middle mouse button down and when clicklock is on that would be great. It would naturally be a global mouse hook, but no bells or whistles needed other than maybe a slider to adjust for the clicklock sound for windows 64. Please let me know if such a program exists. Additionally I have 2 extra buttons that could use a sound event attached to. Thanks in advance....

I'm traveling for work until the weekend so, if you can wait (or nobody else takes this), I can do this for you when I get back.

Thanks I appreciate this so much... I hope this will be simple so it doesn't interfere with other programs... but as I said I just want to play .wav files on mouse events... especially to know when clicklock is actually on. As win 10 failed to do this.. thanks again so much...

Thanks I appreciate this so much... I hope this will be simple so it doesn't interfere with other programs... but as I said I just want to play .wav files on mouse events...-luvnbeast (April 27, 2016, 10:16 AM)
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Playing WAV files on mouse events is very easy.

especially to know when clicklock is actually on. As win 10 failed to do this.. thanks again so much... -luvnbeast (April 27, 2016, 10:16 AM)
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I assume by "clicklock" you're talking about using a laptop touchpad, right?  If so, that part is going to be tough as I do not have a laptop with Windows 10 (or anything with W10 for that matter).

Disregard my statement on ClickLock as I googled it and now know what it is.   :-[


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